Data Repository

The CVDP Data Repository holds CVDP output (graphics and data files) from numerous CMIP and CESM integrations. To access the output, simply select Images or Data for the desired model intercomparison listed in the Table below. The data are stored as tar files: within each tar file there are multiple netCDF files corresponding to each component member included in the comparison. To see an example of the netCDF file metadata, click here.

The CVCWG freely distributes these results for non-commerical purposes and is not responsible for errors in the data or within the CVDP. Use the distributed data at your own risk.Note that not all output fields may be relevant for a particular set of model simulations. For example, modes of decadal variability are not meaningful if the period of record is too short.

When presenting results from the CVDP in either oral or written form, please cite at least one of the following:

Phillips, A. S., C. Deser, and J. Fasullo, 2014: A New Tool for Evaluating Modes of Variability in Climate Models. EOS, 95, 453-455, doi: 10.1002/2014EO490002.

Maher, N., A.S. Phillips, C. Deser, F. Lehner and R. Wills, 2024: A multi-model comparison of Large Ensembles using the Climate Variability and Diagnostics Package version 6 applied to the updated Multi-Model Large Ensemble Archive.

Questions and feedback about the CVDP Data Repository are welcomed and should be posted on the CESM Bulletin Board.

CVDP v6 Comparisons

CESM1/2 Large Ensembles 1920-2100 Images Data CESM1/2 Large Ensembles 1920-2100* Images Data
CESM1/2 Large Ensembles 1950-2023 Images Data CESM1/2 Large Ensembles 1979-2023 Images Data
CESM2 Large Ensemble 1850-2100 Images Data  CESM Control Comparison Images Data 
CMIP6 historical+ssp119 Images Data CMIP6 historical+ssp126 Images Data
CMIP6 historical+ssp370 Images Data CMIP6 historical+ssp585 Images Data

All comparisons in the above table use quadratic detrending for the observations and for each individual simulation. Comparisons denoted with a * use the following detrending options: quadratic detrending for observations and ensemble mean removal for simulations.


The following comparisons were completed with CVDP v5.1.1 or v5.2.0. 

CESM Comparisons

CESM2 Large Ensemble 1920-2014 Images Data CESM2 Large Ensemble 2015-2100 Images Data
CESM1 Large Ensemble 1920-2018 Images Data CESM1 Large Ensemble 1979-2018 Images Data
CESM1 Large Ensemble 2019-2048 Images Data  CESM1 Large Ensemble 2019-2100 Images Data 
CESM1 Large Ensemble Controls Images Data CESM1 Last Millennium Images Data
CESM Control Comparison Images Data CESM1 Last Millennium bycen Images Data
MMLEA 1950-2018 Images Data MMLEA 1950-2099 Images Data
MMLEA 2019-2099 Images Data      

CMIP6 Comparisons (across scenarios)

historical + ssp119 Images Data historical + ssp126 Images Data
historical + ssp370 Images Data historical + ssp460 Images Data
historical + ssp585 Images Data      

CMIP6 Comparisons (single scenario)

1pctCO2 Images Data amip Images Data
historical (Group 1) Images Data historical (Group 2) Images Data
historical (Group 3) Images Data hist-aer Images Data
hist-GHG Images Data hist-nat Images Data
hist-sol Images Data hist-stratO3 Images Data
hist-volc Images Data piControl Images Data
ssp119 Images Data ssp126 Images Data
ssp245 Images Data ssp370 (Group 1) Images Data
ssp370 (Group 2) Images Data ssp460 Images Data
ssp585 Images Data      

CMIP5 Comparisons

1pctCO2 Images Data amip Images Data
Historical Images Data CMIP5 - Last Glacial Maximum Images Data
midHolocene Images Data past1000 Images Data
past1000bycen Images Data piControl Images Data
rcp26 Images Data rcp45 Images Data
rcp60 Images Data rcp85 Images Data

CMIP3 Comparisons

1pctto2x Images Data 20c3m Images Data
amip Images Data picntrl Images Data
sresa1b Images Data sresa2  Images Data