Multi-Model Large Ensemble Archive (MMLEA) Version 2

The MMLEA Version 2 is an extension of the MMLEA Version 1, now including 18 models, 15 two-dimensional variables, and a suite of observational data sets. Data in this archive has been remapped to a common 2.5 x 2.5 degree grid for ease of inter-model comparison. Data will be made available via the NCAR Research Data Archive and NCAR's casper system. 

The table below provides a summary of the salient characteristics of the models and simulations contained within the archive. Further discussion of the utility and applications of the archive is given in the reference below. Please direct questions about this archive to Dr. Nicola Maher [] or Dr. Clara Deser [], and direct questions about the CVDP comparisons to Adam Phillips [].

We kindly ask that you reference Maher et al. (2024) when presenting results based on the Multi-Model Large Ensemble Archive version 2 in either oral or written form. We also ask that the appropriate references from the table below (for each model used) are cited when using the MMLEAv2 data.

Maher, N., Phillips, A. S., Deser, C., Wills, R. C. J., Lehner, F., Fasullo, J., Caron, J. M., Brunner, L., and Beyerle, U.: The updated Multi-Model Large Ensemble Archive and the Climate Variability Diagnostics Package: New tools for the study of climate variability and change, EGUsphere [preprint],, 2024. [Supplementary Material]

MMLEAv2 data is available from the NSF NCAR Research Data Archive

Climate Variability Diagnostics Package v6 comparison images and data are available in Table 1 below, a summary of all model data is included in Table 2 below, and a summary of all available observational data is included in Table 3 below.

Variables within the archive (all monthly): sst/tos, zos, pr, psl, tas, tauu, tauv, zg500, sos, evspsbl, mlotst, TXx (monthly maximum dailymaxtas), TNn (monthly minimum dailymintas), Rx1day (monthly maximum pr) and siconc/sic.   

Table 1. CVDPv6 MMLEAv2 Comparisons

         (see Table 2 to identify the ensembles in each Set)

Detrending not Applied     Observations: Quadratically Detrended
Simulations: Ensemble Means Removed
Set 1 1950-2022 Images Data Set 1 1950-2022 Images Data
Set 2 1950-2022 Images Data Set 2 1950-2022 Images Data
Set 3 1950-2022 Images Data Set 3 1950-2022 Images Data
Sets 1,2,3 1950-2022 Images ---- Sets 1,2,3 1950-2022 Images ----
Set 1 2027-2099 Images Data Set 1 2027-2099 Images Data
Set 2 2027-2099 Images Data Set 2 2027-2099 Images Data
Set 3 2027-2099 Images Data Set 3 2027-2099 Images Data
Sets 1,2,3 2027-2099 Images ---- Sets 1,2,3 2027-2099 Images ----

Table 2. MMLEAv2 Simulation Data

Model Forcing (members) Length References CVDP Set Identifier
ACCESS-ESM1-5 hist SSP370/585 (40) 1850-2100 Ziehn et al. (2020) Set 1
CanESM2 hist RCP8.5 (50) 1950-2100 Kirchmeier-Young et al. (2017) Set 1
CanESM5 hist SSP370/585 (25) 1850-2100 Swart et al. (2019) Set 1
CESM1 hist RCP8.5 (40) 1920-2100 Kay et al. (2015) Set 1
CESM2 hist SSP370 (100) 1850-2100 Rodgers et al. (2021) Set 1
CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 hist RCP8.5 (30) 1850-2100 Jeffrey et al. (2012) Set 1
E3SMv1 hist SSP370 (14) 1850-2100 Stevenson et al. (2023) Set 2
E3SMv2 hist SSP370 (21) 1850-2100 Fasullo et al. (2023) Set 2
EC-Earth3 hist SSP585 (8) 1850-2100 Döscher et al. (2022)
Wyser et al. (2021)
Set 3
GFDL-CM3 hist RCP8.5 (20) 1920-2100 Sun et al. (2018) Set 2
GFDL-ESM2M hist RCP8.5 (30) 1861-2100 Burger et al. (2022) Set 2
GFDL-SPEAR-MED hist SSP585 (30) 1921-2100 Delworth et al. (2020) Set 2
IPSL-CM6A-LR hist SSP370/585 (6) 1850-2100 Boucher et al. (2020) Set 2
MIROC6 hist SSP585 (50) 1850-2100 Tatebe et al. (2019) Set 3
MIROC-ES2L hist SSP370/585 (10) 1850-2100 Hajima et al. (2020) Set 3
MPI-GE hist RCP8.5 (100) 1850-2099 Maher et al. (2019) Set 3
MPI-GE CMIP6 hist SSP370/585 (30) 1850-2100 Olonscheck et al. (2023) Set 3
UKESM1-0-LL hist SSP370/585 (13) 1850-2100 Sellar et al. (2019) Set 3


Table 3. MMLEAv2 Observational Data

Observational Dataset Name Variables References
ERSSTv5 tos Huang et al. (2017)
HadISST v1 tos Rayner et al. (2003)
ERA5 psl, pr, RX1day, TXx, TNn Hersbach et al. (2020)
ERA20C psl Poli et al. (2016)
BEST tas Rohde and Hausfather (2020)
GISTEMP tas Lenssen et al. (2019)
HadCRUT5 tas Morice et al. (2021)
GPCC pr Becker et al. (2013)
GPCP pr Adler et al. (2018)
NOAA/NSIDC CDR siconc Meier (2021)
ORAS4 zos Balmaseda et al. (2013)