Community Sea Ice Model (CSIM)
The Community Sea Ice Model (CSIM) is a dynamic-thermodynamic model that includes a subgrid-scale ice thickness distribution. This model is closely related to the Community Ice CodE (CICE) version 3.1. It uses the energy conserving thermodynamics of Bitz and Lipscomb (1999), with four ice layers and one snow layer in each thickness category. The ice dynamics utilizes the elastic-viscous-plastic rheology of Hunke and Dukowicz (1997). Subgrid-scale ridging and rafting is parameterized according to Rothrock (1975) and Thorndike et al. (1975). Horizontal advection is calculated via the new incremental remapping scheme of Lipscomb and Hunke (2004). A more complete model description can be found in the documentation.
CSIM serves as the sea ice component of the Community Climate System Model version 3.0 (CCSM). It is the result of a community effort to develop a portable, efficient sea ice model that can be run coupled in a global climate model or uncoupled as a stand-alone ice model.