CESM Tutorial 2018


Tutorial Agenda

CESM Tutorial 2018 Agenda


Monday, August 6

Topic: Intro, Logistics 
Speakers: Cecile Hannay, Jean-Francois Lamarque, Barbara Ballard, Carolyn Brinkworth
Topic: Introduction to the coupled system 
Speaker: Gokhan Danabasoglu
Topic: Atmosphere Modeling I: Intro & Dynamics 
Speaker: Peter Lauritzen
Topic: Atmosphere Modeling II: Physics 
Speaker: Julio Bacmeister
Topic: NCAR computing environment 
Speaker: Rory Kelly
Topic: Introduction to CESM2 
Speaker: Alice Bertini

Tuesday, August 7

Topic: Atmosphere Modeling III: WACCM 
Speaker: Mike Mills
Topic: Atmos. Modeling IV: Chemistry, Aerosols 
Speaker: Simone Tilmes
Topic: Land Modeling I: Biogeophysics 
Speaker: Dave Lawrence
Topic: Going to extremes in the "New Arctic" 
Speaker: Laura Landrum
Topic: What have I learned from CESM large ensemble experiments? 
Speaker: Haiyan Teng
Topic: Global responses in idealized climate model experiments 
Speaker: Brian Medeiros
Topic: Evaluating terrestrial biogeochemisty in CLM 
Speaker: Will Weider
Specialized Talk
Topic: Simpler Models 
Speaker: Isla Simpson
Topic: Run CESM: Simple Modifications 
Speaker: Christine Shields

Wednesday, August 8

Topic: Land Modeling II: Biogeochemistry: Ecosystem Modeling 
Speaker: Danica Lombardozzi
Topic: Ocean Modeling I 
Speaker: Susan Bates
Topic: Using the high resolution CESM to study tropical storms 
Speaker: Nan Rosenbloom
Topic: Climate and Carbon impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change in CESM 
Speaker: Peter Lawrence
Topic: Precipitation, Convection and Variability: Frightening yet fascinating 
Speaker:Rich Neale
Topic: Understanding the climate extremes of 55 million years ago with CESM and data 
Speaker: Christine Shields
Specialized Talk
Topic: Model development: Coupling/Tuning 
Speaker: Cecile Hannay
Topic: Diagnostics and Output 
Speaker: Adam Phillips

Thursday, August 9

Topic: Ocean Biogeochemistry 
Speaker: Matt Long
Topic: Land Ice Modeling 
Speaker: Bill Lipscomb
Topic: Sea Ice Modeling 
Speaker: Alice DuVivier
Meet a Scientist
Topic: Sign up to meet one of our CESM Scientist
Specialized Talk
Topic: Porting Session 
Speaker: Jim Edwards
Topic: Namelist and Code Modificatioms 
Speaker: Cecile Hannay

Friday, August 10

Topic: Ocean Modeling II 
Speaker: Peter Gent
Topic: Using CESM to understand ENSO teleconnections 
Speaker: Clara Deser
Topic:Closing remarks 
Speaker: Cecile Hannay
Breakout Topic: Ocean/Sea Ice/ Land Ice 
Speakers: Alper Altunas, Dave Bailey, Bill Sacks/ Gunter Leguy
Breakout Topic: Land/BGC 
Speakers: Keith Oleson, Erik Kluzek, Matt Long
Breakout Topic: Atm/Chem/WACCM 
Speakers: Dani Coleman, Mike Mills