CESM Workshop 2022

27th Annual CESM Workshop

Virtual Event
Jun. 13 to Jun. 16, 2022

8:30 am – 3:00 pm MDT

Virtual Workshop
Main content

The 27th Annual CESM Workshop will be a virtual event. Specifically, the Workshop will begin with a full-day schedule on 13 June 2022 with presentations on the state of the CESM; by the award recipients; and two presentations from our invited speakers in the morning, followed by order 15-minute highlight and progress presentations from each of the CESM Working Groups (WG) in the afternoon.

On 14-16 June 2022, working groups and cross working groups have half-day sessions, some with presentations and some that are discussion only.

Featured Speakers

Each year we welcome featured speakers to give our plenary talks. This years speakers are: Robert Jackson, Stanford University; and Galen McKinley, Columbia University and Laure Zanna, New York University

Robert Jackson

Professor of Earth System Science, Stanford University

Rob Jackson and his lab examine the many ways people affect the Earth. They seek basic scientific knowledge and use it to help shape policies and reduce the environmental footprint of global warming, energy extraction, and other issues. They're currently examining the effects of climate change and droughts on forest mortality and grassland ecosystems. They are also working to measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the Global Carbon Project (globalcarbonproject.org), which Jackson chairs; examples of new research Rob leads include establishing a global network of methane tower measurements at more than 80 sites worldwide and measuring and reducing methane emissions from oil and gas wells, city streets, and homes and buildings.

Galen McKinley

Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Galen McKinley is Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences Columbia University and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. She is Deputy Director of the Center for Learning the Earth with Artificial Intelligence and Physics (LEAP), an NSF Science Technology Center (STC) for 2021-2026. Professor McKinley is an ocean, carbon cycle and climate scientist whose research focuses on the physical, chemical and ecological drivers of the ocean’s anthropogenic carbon sink. She works across scales from global to the North Atlantic to the Laurentian Great Lakes. Her research tools include models of the ocean and climate, and data analysis using machine learning.

Professor McKinley earned a BS in Civil Engineering from Rice University (1995) and a PhD in Climate Physics and Chemistry from MIT (2002). Her postdoctoral work was at the Instituto Nacional de Ecologia in Mexico and Princeton University. From 2004-2017, she was professor of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at University of Wisconsin – Madison. Professor McKinley contributions to scientific coordination and advising include being an active member of the National Academy of Sciences’ Ocean Studies Board and of the JASON Advisory Group. Selected honors include the 2020 Ocean Science Voyager award from the American Geophysical Union and, in 2011, the Class of 1955 Teaching Award at University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Laure Zanna

Professor in Mathematics & Atmosphere/Ocean Science, Courant Institute, New York University

Laure Zanna is a Professor in Mathematics & Atmosphere/Ocean Science at the Courant Institute, New York University. Her research focuses on the dynamics of the climate system and the main emphasis of her work is to study the influence of the ocean on local and global scales. Prior to NYU, she was a faculty member at the University of Oxford until 2019, and obtained her PhD in 2009 in Climate Dynamics from Harvard University. She was the recipient of the 2020 Nicholas P. Fofonoff Award from the American Meteorological Society “For exceptional creativity in the development and application of new concepts in ocean and climate dynamics”. She is the lead principal investigator of the NSF-NOAA Climate Process Team on Ocean Transport and Eddy Energy, and M2LInES – an international effort to improve climate models with scientific machine learning. She currently serves as an editor for the Journal of Climate, a member on the International CLIVAR Ocean Model Development Panel, and on the CESM Advisory Board.

Cross Working Groups

This year we are offering two cross working groups in addition to the regular CESM working groups. Learn more about each cross working group below.

Justice and Climate Change

This session will consider how scientists can work with communities to produce information for equitable and just responses to climate change. We will hear from experts about what justice means in the climate context, and the issues (intersection and conflict) with different types of justice that arise in consideration of different climate responses and solutions. We will discuss 1) approaches for practicing climate science that is aware of and consistent with different justice concerns, 2) increasing the values represented in climate science, and 3) production of information for climate adaptation, resilience, intervention, and mitigation that is responsive to values and viewpoints.

Actionable Science and CESM

This session will focus on understanding the nature of actionable science in the context of global climate modeling and processes and practices for co-developing useful and usable climate science products. We will hear from a range of speakers about different examples of actionable climate science and discuss the implications of engaging in this form of research for the CESM community. We will consider 1) how we should think about and assess the usefulness and usability of Earth system models and their products for stakeholder purposes, 2) challenges and opportunities for model developers and users to co-produce information with stakeholder groups, and 3) existent gaps in the capabilities of CESM—and Earth system models more generally—for actionable science.