Output & Diagnostics
- CLM5.0, CLM4.5, and CLM4.0 land-only control simulations are published on the Earth System Grid at:
CLM Simulations on the ESG (http://doi.org/10.5065/d6154fwh)
*PFT-level, daily, and hourly data available for selected fields and simulations - 11/05/24: Data is being moved from the ESG to the RDA https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/
d651011/# - CLM Diagnostic package plots
- CESM2 ScenarioMIP Land Diagnostics
- ILAMB package plots
- Observational datasets used in ILAMB can be found on glade at /glade/campaign/cesm/community/lmwg/diag/ILAMB/DATA/
- CESM Postprocessing Tool: Quick Start, User's Guide, and Workflow (deprecated)