Port Validation & Model Verification
Before running any experiements with CESM1.0 on a local machine, the user should make sure the POP2 code has ported to their machine properly and subsequently verify the POP2 model output.
In a successful port, CESM1 POP2 ocean-model solutions are expected to be the same "to roundoff level" as solutions generated on a trusted machine. Follow the procedure outlined in the document below to assess the validity of your ported POP2 code.
CESM1.0 POP2 Port-Validation Information
For model verification, solutions generated on a user's local machine should produce the same climate as an identical simulation on a trusted machine. A 10-year, ocean-only control simulation forced with the Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (CORE) Version 2 Normal Year Forcing using global, 1° resolution integrated on NCAR's bluefire machine is provided for comparison. We recommend the user conduct an identical simulation on their local machine and compare the output to that from the NCAR control simulation. Follow the procedure outlined in the document below.