Known Issues

It is always recommended that one uses the latest version of the CVDP that is available. The most recent CVDP version (v6.0.0) works with NCL v6.2.0 and newer.

Version Specific Issues

  • CVDP v5.2.0 and earlier: nan's present in input files may cause the CVDP to hang. (Solution: Remove nan's from the input files.) The CVDP does not work with atmospheric data that is on a curvilinear grid.
  • CVDP v5.1.0 and earlier: Due to spatial weighting being incorrectly applied, the RMS values shown in the metrics tables may be incorrect.
  • CVDP v5.0.0 and earlier: The Atlantic Nino indices are plotted incorrectly, but are correctly written to the netCDF files. The AMO and low pass AMO spatial patterns were slightly askew due to a bug in the calculation procedure where the global mean was not removed from the SST spatial anomalies prior to the spatial regression. The AMO timeseries are correct.
  • CVDP 3.7.0 and earlier: The Tropical South Atlantic timeseries is incorrectly defined as 0:20N (as opposed to 0:20S).
  • NCL v6.3.0 does not work with CVDP v3.3.1 or earlier due to continued issues with the recent behavior change in the NCL function isfilepresent. More details on this change to the isfilepresent function can be found here. A fix to the issue has been put into CVDP v3.7.0. 
  • NCL v6.2.1 does not work with CVDP v3.3.0 or earlier due to a behavior change in the NCL function isfilepresent. More details on this change to the isfilepresent function can be found here. A fix to the issue has been put into CVDP v3.3.1.
  • If netCDF4 files are to be used in the CVDP one must have NCL v6.2.0 or newer installed due to a bug in NCL v6.1.2 when reading in netCDF4 files with the NCL function addfiles.