CESM1 Medium Ensemble

This is a 15 member ensemble of simulations with CESM1 under the RCP4.5 forcing scenario from 2006 to 2080. These simulations can be compared with the CESM1 Large Ensemble and provide the opportunity to compare and contrast climate change under a lower forcing scenario. This ensemble was run as part of the BRACE project.

We kindly ask that you acknowledge the CVCWG when presenting results based on the CESM1 Medium Ensemble in either oral and written form.

Project Details

Data Acquisition

This data is available on both the NCAR Climate Data Gateway (Web Access) and NCAR's casper system (NCAR Internal).

  • NCAR Internal

    Location on NCAR's campaign store or on the NCAR machine casper:


  • Web Access

    This data is available from NCAR's Research Data Archive