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Version Navigator

Model Version Purpose Link Composet Comment
CESM2 Mid-Holocene, Last Interglacial, etc. GitHub Last Interglacial, Mid Holocene Unrealistic ice-age and greenhouse climates due to high climate sensitivity
CESM2-PaleoCalibr General Quaternary GitHub Use Pre-Industrial Realistic LGM
iCESM1.3 General paleoclimate and isotopes GitHub Use Pre-Industrial Recommended CESM1 code with isotopes
CESM1.2/iCESM General Quaternary, Isotopes FAQ (no longer maintained) Use Pre-Industrial No longer supported by CESM
DT-CESM1.2 Deep-Time Recipe (no longer maintained) BPETMC5CN, FPETMC5, EPETMC5CN No longer supported by CESM


See below for Step by Step instructions for setting up Paleo configurations

*More links will be added as recipes become available

Other recipes to follow. Community contributes welcome!

User-contributed Code

Miscellaneous code for paleo simulations. See recipes for location of github toolkit code, or go to Scripts/Code repository


A reference for various aspects of the CESM1.2 paleo Toolkit. Some of this is old; please use only as a general guide.

*Note that for Deep-time step by step instructions, the Recipe for DT-CESM1.2 should be used.


We now have a number of paleo component sets, i.e. “Compsets”. Please see the version navigator to determine which version to use.