Data Sets Available to the Community

Data from the project are publicly available to any scientist who is interested. Ensemble members 001-035 were completed at NCAR, while ensemble members 101-10X were completed at the University of Toronto.

Monthly, daily, and 6-hourly outputs have been saved as single variable timeseries. The 6-hourly data are only available during three periods: 1990-2005, 2026-2035, 2071-2080. All data are available from NCAR's Research Data Archive.

For casper users, the data is available on glade at:


Restarts for runs 1-35 are available on casper at:


A subset of the data, comprising popular variables at various time resolutions, is freely available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 at

Diagnostics for each simulation are available from the model component packages and the Climate Variability Diagnostics Package Data Repository.

To access this dataset please visit NCAR's Research Data Archive.

List of output time-series variable and brief descriptions:

Select a component from the list below to view the variables table. Use the show entries dropdown at the top left of the table to view more entries at once or the search bar on the top right of the table.

Component Time Frequency Stream Field Name Long Name Units Time Averaging
atm mon cam.h0 TREFHTMX Maximum reference height temperature over output period K maximum
atm mon cam.h0 TSMX Maximum surface temperature over output period K maximum
atm mon cam.h0 WGUSTD wind gusts from turbulence m/s maximum
atm mon cam.h0 ABSORB Aerosol absorption /m mean
atm mon cam.h0 ANRAIN Average rain number conc m-3 mean
atm mon cam.h0 ANSNOW Average snow number conc m-3 mean
atm mon cam.h0 AODABS Aerosol absorption optical depth 550 nm   mean
atm mon cam.h0 AODDUST1 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 1 from dust   mean
atm mon cam.h0 AODDUST2 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 2 from dust   mean
atm mon cam.h0 AODDUST3 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 3 from dust   mean
atm mon cam.h0 AODVIS Aerosol optical depth 550 nm   mean
atm mon cam.h0 AQRAIN Average rain mixing ratio kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 AQSNOW Average snow mixing ratio kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 AREI Average ice effective radius Micron mean
atm mon cam.h0 AREL Average droplet effective radius Micron mean
atm mon cam.h0 AWNC Average cloud water number conc m-3 mean
atm mon cam.h0 AWNI Average cloud ice number conc m-3 mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_a1DDF bc_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_a1_logm bc_a1 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_a1_logv bc_a1 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_a1SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_a1_SRF bc_a1 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_c1 bc_c1 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_c1DDF bc_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_c1SFWET bc_c1 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 BURDENBC Black carbon aerosol burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 BURDENDUST Dust aerosol burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 BURDENPOM POM aerosol burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 BURDENSEASALT Seasalt aerosol burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 BURDENSO4 Sulfate aerosol burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 BURDENSOA SOA aerosol burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 CCN3 CCN concentration at S=0.1% #/cm3 mean
atm mon cam.h0 CDNUMC Vertically-integrated droplet concentration #/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 CLDHGH Vertically-integrated high cloud fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 CLDICE Grid box averaged cloud ice amount kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 CLDLIQ Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 CLDLOW Vertically-integrated low cloud fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 CLDMED Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 CLDTOT Vertically-integrated total cloud fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 CLOUD Cloud fraction fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 CO2 CO2 kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 CO2_FFF CO2_FFF kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 CO2_LND CO2_LND kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 CO2_OCN CO2_OCN kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 DCQ Q tendency due to moist processes kg/kg/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a1DDF dst_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a1_logm dst_a1 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a1_logv dst_a1 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a1SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a1_SRF dst_a1 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a3DDF dst_a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a3_logm dst_a3 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a3_logv dst_a3 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a3SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a3_SRF dst_a3 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_c1DDF dst_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_c1 dst_c1 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_c1SFWET dst_c1 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_c3DDF dst_c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_c3 dst_c3 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_c3SFWET dst_c3 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 DTCOND T tendency - moist processes K/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 DTV T vertical diffusion K/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 EXTINCT Aerosol extinction /m mean
atm mon cam.h0 FICE Fractional ice content within cloud fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 FLDS Downwelling longwave flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FLNSC Clearsky net longwave flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FLNS Net longwave flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FLNTC Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FLNT Net longwave flux at top of model W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FLUTC Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FLUT Upwelling longwave flux at top of model W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FREQI Fractional occurance of ice fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 FREQL Fractional occurance of liquid fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 FREQR Fractional occurance of rain fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 FREQS Fractional occurance of snow fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSDSC Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSDS Downwelling solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSNSC Clearsky net solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSNS Net solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSNTC Clearsky net solar flux at top of model W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSNT Net solar flux at top of model W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSNTOAC Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSNTOA Net solar flux at top of atmosphere W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 ICEFRAC Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 ICIMR Prognostic in-cloud ice mixing ratio kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ICLDIWP In-cloud ice water path kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 ICLDTWP In-cloud cloud total water path (liquid and ice) kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 ICWMR Prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 IWC Grid box average ice water content kg/m3 mean
atm mon cam.h0 LANDFRAC Fraction of sfc area covered by land fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 LHFLX Surface latent heat flux W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 LWCF Longwave cloud forcing W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a1DDF ncl_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a1_logm ncl_a1 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a1_logv ncl_a1 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a1SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a2DDF ncl_a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a2_logm ncl_a2 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a2_logv ncl_a2 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a2SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a3DDF ncl_a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a3_logm ncl_a3 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a3_logv ncl_a3 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a3SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c1DDF ncl_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c1 ncl_c1 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c1SFWET ncl_c1 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c2DDF ncl_c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c2 ncl_c2 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c2SFWET ncl_c2 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c3DDF ncl_c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c3 ncl_c3 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c3SFWET ncl_c3 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a1DDF num_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a1_logm num_a1 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a1_logv num_a1 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a1SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a2DDF num_a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a2_logm num_a2 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a2_logv num_a2 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a2SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a3DDF num_a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a3_logm num_a3 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a3_logv num_a3 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a3SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c1DDF num_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c1 num_c1 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c1SFWET num_c1 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c2DDF num_c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c2 num_c2 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c2SFWET num_c2 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c3DDF num_c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c3 num_c3 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c3SFWET num_c3 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 NUMICE Grid box averaged cloud ice number kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 NUMLIQ Grid box averaged cloud liquid number kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 OCNFRAC Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 OMEGAT Vertical heat flux K Pa/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 OMEGA Vertical velocity (pressure) Pa/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 PBLH PBL height m mean
atm mon cam.h0 PHIS Surface geopotential m2/s2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_a1DDF pom_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_a1_logm pom_a1 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_a1_logv pom_a1 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_a1SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_a1_SRF pom_a1 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_c1DDF pom_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_c1 pom_c1 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_c1SFWET pom_c1 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 PRECC Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 PRECL Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 PRECSC Convective snow rate (water equivalent) m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 PRECSL Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 PSL Sea level pressure Pa mean
atm mon cam.h0 PS Surface pressure Pa mean
atm mon cam.h0 QFLX Surface water flux kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 QRL Longwave heating rate K/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 QRS Solar heating rate K/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 Q Specific humidity kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 RELHUM Relative humidity percent mean
atm mon cam.h0 SFCO2 CO2 surface flux kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 SFCO2_FFF CO2_FFF surface flux kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 SFCO2_LND CO2_LND surface flux kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 SFCO2_OCN CO2_OCN surface flux kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 SHFLX Surface sensible heat flux W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 SNOWHICE Water equivalent snow depth m mean
atm mon cam.h0 SNOWHLND Water equivalent snow depth m mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a1DDF so4_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a1_logm so4_a1 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a1_logv so4_a1 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a1SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a1_SRF so4_a1 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a2DDF so4_a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a2_logm so4_a2 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a2_logv so4_a2 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a2SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a2_SRF so4_a2 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a3DDF so4_a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a3_logm so4_a3 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a3_logv so4_a3 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a3SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a3_SRF so4_a3 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c1DDF so4_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c1SFWET so4_c1 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c1 so4_c1 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c2DDF so4_c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c2SFWET so4_c2 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c2 so4_c2 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c3DDF so4_c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c3SFWET so4_c3 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c3 so4_c3 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a1DDF soa_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a1_logm soa_a1 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a1_logv soa_a1 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a1SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a1_SRF soa_a1 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a2DDF soa_a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a2_logm soa_a2 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a2_logv soa_a2 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a2SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a2_SRF soa_a2 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_c1DDF soa_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_c1SFWET soa_c1 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_c1 soa_c1 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_c2DDF soa_c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_c2SFWET soa_c2 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_c2 soa_c2 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 SOLIN Solar insolation W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 SRFRAD Net radiative flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 SWCF Shortwave cloud forcing W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TAUX Zonal surface stress N/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TAUY Meridional surface stress N/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TGCLDIWP Total grid-box cloud ice water path kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TGCLDLWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TMCO2 CO2 column burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TMCO2_FFF CO2_FFF column burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TMCO2_LND CO2_LND column burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TMCO2_OCN CO2_OCN column burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TMQ Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TOT_CLD_VISTAU Total gbx cloud extinction visible sw optical depth 1 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TREFHT Reference height temperature K mean
atm mon cam.h0 TROP_P Tropopause Pressure Pa mean
atm mon cam.h0 TROP_T Tropopause Temperature K mean
atm mon cam.h0 TS Surface temperature (radiative) K mean
atm mon cam.h0 T Temperature K mean
atm mon cam.h0 U10 10m wind speed m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 UQ Zonal water transport m/skg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 UU Zonal velocity squared m2/s2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 U Zonal wind m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 VD01 Vertical diffusion of Q kg/kg/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 V Meridional wind m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 VQ Meridional water transport m/skg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 VT Meridional heat transport K m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 VU Meridional flux of zonal momentum m2/s2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 VV Meridional velocity squared m2/s2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 WSPDSRFMX Horizontal total wind speed maximum at the surface m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 WSUB Diagnostic sub-grid vertical velocity m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 Z3 Geopotential Height (above sea level) m mean
atm mon cam.h0 TREFHTMN Minimum reference height temperature over output period K minimum
atm mon cam.h0 TSMN Minimum surface temperature over output period K minimum
atm day cam.h1 TREFHTMX Maximum reference height temperature over output period K maximum
atm day cam.h1 FLNSC Clearsky net longwave flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 FLNS Net longwave flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 FLUT Upwelling longwave flux at top of model W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 FSNSC Clearsky net solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 FSNS Net solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 FSNTOA Net solar flux at top of atmosphere W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 ICEFRAC Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice fraction mean
atm day cam.h1 LHFLX Surface latent heat flux W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 PRECL Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 PRECSC Convective snow rate (water equivalent) m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 PRECSL Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 PRECTMX Maximum (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq+ice) m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 PRECT Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 PSL Sea level pressure Pa mean
atm day cam.h1 Q200 Specific Humidity at 200 mbar pressure surface kg/kg mean
atm day cam.h1 Q500 Specific Humidity at 500 mbar pressure surface kg/kg mean
atm day cam.h1 Q850 Specific Humidity at 850 mbar pressure surface kg/kg mean
atm day cam.h1 QBOT Lowest model level water vapor mixing ratio kg/kg mean
atm day cam.h1 SHFLX Surface sensible heat flux W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 T010 Temperature at 10 mbar pressure surface K mean
atm day cam.h1 T200 Temperature at 200 mbar pressure surface K mean
atm day cam.h1 T500 Temperature at 500 mbar pressure surface K mean
atm day cam.h1 T850 Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface K mean
atm day cam.h1 TAUX Zonal surface stress N/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 TAUY Meridional surface stress N/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 TMQ Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water kg/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 TREFHT Reference height temperature K mean
atm day cam.h1 TS Surface temperature (radiative) K mean
atm day cam.h1 U010 Zonal wind at 10 mbar pressure surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 U200 Zonal wind at 200 mbar pressure surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 U500 Zonal wind at 500 mbar pressure surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 U850 Zonal wind at 850 mbar pressure surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 UBOT Lowest model level zonal wind m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 V200 Meridional wind at 200 mbar pressure surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 V500 Meridional wind at 500 mbar pressure surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 V850 Meridional wind at 850 mbar pressure surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 VBOT Lowest model level meridional wind m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 WSPDSRFAV Horizontal total wind speed average at the surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 Z050 Geopotential Z at 50 mbar pressure surface m mean
atm day cam.h1 Z500 Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface m mean
atm day cam.h1 TREFHTMN Minimum reference height temperature over output period K minimum
atm hr6 cam.h2 CLDHGH Vertically-integrated high cloud fraction mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 CLDLOW Vertically-integrated low cloud fraction mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 CLDMED Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud fraction mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 CLDTOT Vertically-integrated total cloud fraction mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 CLOUD Cloud fraction fraction mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 FLDS Downwelling longwave flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 FLNS Net longwave flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 FSDS Downwelling solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 FSNS Net solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 PRECT Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 TGCLDIWP Total grid-box cloud ice water path kg/m2 mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 TGCLDLWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path kg/m2 mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 TOT_CLD_VISTAU Total gbx cloud extinction visible sw optical depth 1 mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 PSL Sea level pressure Pa instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 PS Surface pressure Pa instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 QREFHT Reference height humidity kg/kg instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 Q Specific humidity kg/kg instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 TREFHT Reference height temperature K instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 TROP_P Tropopause Pressure Pa instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 TROP_T Tropopause Temperature K instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 TS Surface temperature (radiative) K instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 T Temperature K instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 U Zonal wind m/s instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 V Meridional wind m/s instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 Z3 Geopotential Height (above sea level) m instantaneous
ice mon cice.h aeroiceint001 ice int aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aeroiceint002 ice int aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aeroiceint003 ice int aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aeroicessl001 ice ssl aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aeroicessl002 ice ssl aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aeroicessl003 ice ssl aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aerosnoint001 snow int aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aerosnoint002 snow int aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aerosnoint003 snow int aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aerosnossl001 snow ssl aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aerosnossl002 snow ssl aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aerosnossl003 snow ssl aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aice ice area (aggregate) % mean
ice mon cice.h aicen001 ice area category 001 % mean
ice mon cice.h aicen002 ice area category 002 % mean
ice mon cice.h aicen003 ice area category 003 % mean
ice mon cice.h aicen004 ice area category 004 % mean
ice mon cice.h aicen005 ice area category 005 % mean
ice mon cice.h aisnap ice area snapshot   mean
ice mon cice.h albice bare ice albedo % mean
ice mon cice.h albpnd melt pond albedo % mean
ice mon cice.h albsno snow albedo % mean
ice mon cice.h alidf near IR diffuse albedo % mean
ice mon cice.h alidr near IR direct albedo % mean
ice mon cice.h alvdf visible diffuse albedo % mean
ice mon cice.h alvdr visible direct albedo % mean
ice mon cice.h apond001 melt pond concentration category 001 % mean
ice mon cice.h apond002 melt pond concentration category 002 % mean
ice mon cice.h apond003 melt pond concentration category 003 % mean
ice mon cice.h apond004 melt pond concentration category 004 % mean
ice mon cice.h apond005 melt pond concentration category 005 % mean
ice mon cice.h congel congelation ice growth cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h coszen cosine of the zenith angle radian mean
ice mon cice.h daidtd area tendency dynamics %/day mean
ice mon cice.h daidtt area tendency thermo %/day mean
ice mon cice.h dardg1dt ice area ridging rate %/day mean
ice mon cice.h dardg2dt ridge area formation rate %/day mean
ice mon cice.h divu strain rate (divergence) %/day mean
ice mon cice.h dvidtd volume tendency dynamics cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h dvidtt volume tendency thermo cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h dvirdgdt ice volume ridging rate cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h evap_ai evaporative water flux cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h evap evaporative water flux (cpl) cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h faero_atm001 aerosol deposition rate kg/m^2 s mean
ice mon cice.h faero_atm002 aerosol deposition rate kg/m^2 s mean
ice mon cice.h faero_atm003 aerosol deposition rate kg/m^2 s mean
ice mon cice.h faero_ocn001 aerosol flux to ocean kg/m^2 s mean
ice mon cice.h faero_ocn002 aerosol flux to ocean kg/m^2 s mean
ice mon cice.h faero_ocn003 aerosol flux to ocean kg/m^2 s mean
ice mon cice.h fcondtop_ai top surface conductive heat flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fhocn_ai heat flux ice to ocean W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fhocn heat flux ice to ocn (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h flat_ai latent heat flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h flat latent heat flux (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h flwdn down longwave flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h flwup_ai upward longwave flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h flwup upward longwave flux (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h frazil frazil ice growth cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h fresh_ai freshwtr flx ice to ocn cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h fresh freshwtr flx ice to ocn (cpl) cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h fsalt_ai salt flux ice to ocean kg/m^2/day mean
ice mon cice.h fsalt salt flux ice to ocn (cpl) kg/m^2/day mean
ice mon cice.h fsens_ai sensible heat flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fsens sensible heat flux (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fs grid cellmean snow fraction   mean
ice mon cice.h fsurf_ai net surface heat flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fswabs_ai snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fswabs snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fswdn down solar flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fswfac shortwave scaling factor 1 mean
ice mon cice.h fswthru_ai SW flux thru ice to ocean W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fswthru SW thru ice to ocean (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fswup upward solar flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h FYarea first-year ice area   mean
ice mon cice.h hi grid cellmean ice thickness m mean
ice mon cice.h hisnap ice volume snapshot m mean
ice mon cice.h hs grid cellmean snow thickness m mean
ice mon cice.h iage sea ice age years mean
ice mon cice.h ice_present fraction of time-avg interval that any ice is present 1 mean
ice mon cice.h meltb basal ice melt cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h meltl lateral ice melt cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h melts snow melt cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h meltt top ice melt cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h opening lead area opening rate %/day mean
ice mon cice.h qi internal ice heat content J mean
ice mon cice.h Qref 2m reference specific humidity g/kg mean
ice mon cice.h qs internal snow heat content J mean
ice mon cice.h rain_ai rainfall rate cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h rain rainfall rate (cpl) cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h shear strain rate (shear) %/day mean
ice mon cice.h sig1 norm. principal stress 1   mean
ice mon cice.h sig2 norm. principal stress 2   mean
ice mon cice.h snoice snow-ice formation cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h snow_ai snowfall rate cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h snow snowfall rate (cpl) cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h strairx atm/ice stress (x) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h strairy atm/ice stress (y) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h strcorx coriolis stress (x) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h strcory coriolis stress (y) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h strength compressive ice strength N/m mean
ice mon cice.h strintx internal ice stress (x) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h strinty internal ice stress (y) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h strocnx ocean/ice stress (x) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h strocny ocean/ice stress (y) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h Tair air temperature C mean
ice mon cice.h transix ice mass transport (x) on East side kg/s mean
ice mon cice.h transiy ice mass transport (y) on North side kg/s mean
ice mon cice.h Tref 2m reference temperature C mean
ice mon cice.h trsig internal stress tensor trace N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h Tsfc snow/ice surface temperature degC mean
ice mon cice.h uvel ice velocity (x) cm/s mean
ice mon cice.h vicen001 ice volume category 001 m mean
ice mon cice.h vicen002 ice volume category 002 m mean
ice mon cice.h vicen003 ice volume category 003 m mean
ice mon cice.h vicen004 ice volume category 004 m mean
ice mon cice.h vicen005 ice volume category 005 m mean
ice mon cice.h vvel ice velocity (y) cm/s mean
ice day cice.h1 aice_d ice area (aggregate) % mean
ice day cice.h1 aisnap_d ice area snapshot   mean
ice day cice.h1 daidtd_d area tendency dynamics %/day mean
ice day cice.h1 daidtt_d area tendency thermo %/day mean
ice day cice.h1 dvidtd_d volume tendency dynamics cm/day mean
ice day cice.h1 dvidtt_d volume tendency thermo cm/day mean
ice day cice.h1 fswabs_d snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice day cice.h1 fswdn_d down solar flux W/m^2 mean
ice day cice.h1 FYarea_d first-year ice area   mean
ice day cice.h1 hi_d grid cellmean ice thickness m mean
ice day cice.h1 hisnap_d ice volume snapshot m mean
ice day cice.h1 hs_d grid cellmean snow thickness m mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h aicen001_h ice area category 001 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h aicen002_h ice area category 002 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h aicen003_h ice area category 003 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h aicen004_h ice area category 004 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h aicen005_h ice area category 005 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h apond001_h melt pond concentration category 001 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h apond002_h melt pond concentration category 002 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h apond003_h melt pond concentration category 003 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h apond004_h melt pond concentration category 004 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h apond005_h melt pond concentration category 005 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h fswthru_h SW thru ice to ocean (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h meltb_h basal ice melt cm/day mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h meltt_h top ice melt cm/day mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h strairx_h atm/ice stress (x) N/m^2 mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h strairy_h atm/ice stress (y) N/m^2 mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h strintx_h internal ice stress (x) N/m^2 mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h strinty_h internal ice stress (y) N/m^2 mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h strocnx_h ocean/ice stress (x) N/m^2 mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h strocny_h ocean/ice stress (y) N/m^2 mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h uvel_h ice velocity (x) cm/s mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h vvel_h ice velocity (y) cm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ACTUAL_IMMOB actual N immobilization gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 AGNPP aboveground NPP gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ANN_FAREA_BURNED annual total fractional area burned proportion mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 AR autotrophic respiration (MR + GR) gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 BCDEP total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 BGNPP belowground NPP gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 BTRAN transpiration beta factor unitless mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 BUILDHEAT heat flux from urban building interior to walls and roof W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 COL_CTRUNC column-level sink for C truncation gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 COL_FIRE_CLOSS total column-level fire C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 COL_FIRE_NLOSS total column-level fire N loss gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 COL_NTRUNC column-level sink for N truncation gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 CPOOL temporary photosynthate C pool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 CWDC coarse woody debris C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 CWDC_HR coarse woody debris C heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 CWDC_LOSS coarse woody debris C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 CWDN coarse woody debris N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DEADCROOTC dead coarse root C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DEADCROOTN dead coarse root N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DEADSTEMC dead stem C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DEADSTEMN dead stem N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DENIT total rate of denitrification gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DISPVEGC displayed veg carbon excluding storage and cpool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DISPVEGN displayed vegetation nitrogen gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DSTDEP total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DSTFLXT total surface dust emission kg/m2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_CLOSS total carbon loss from land cover conversion gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_CONV_CFLUX conversion C flux (immediate loss to atm) gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_CONV_NFLUX conversion N flux (immediate loss to atm) gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_NLOSS total nitrogen loss from landcover conversion gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_PROD100C_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 100-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_PROD100N_GAIN addition to 100-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_PROD10C_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 10-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_PROD10N_GAIN addition to 10-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_SEEDC_TO_DEADSTEM seed source to PFT-level deadstem gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_SEEDC_TO_LEAF seed source to PFT-level leaf gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_SEEDN_TO_DEADSTEM seed source to PFT-level deadstem gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_SEEDN_TO_LEAF seed source to PFT-level leaf gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 EFLX_DYNBAL dynamic land cover change conversion energy flux W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 EFLX_LH_TOT_R Rural total evaporation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 EFLX_LH_TOT_U Urban total evaporation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ELAI exposed one-sided leaf area index m^2/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ERRH2OSNO imbalance in snow depth (liquid water) mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ERRH2O total water conservation error mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ERRSEB surface energy conservation error W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ERRSOI soil/lake energy conservation error W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ERRSOL solar radiation conservation error W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ER total ecosystem respiration autotrophic + heterotrophic gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ESAI exposed one-sided stem area index m^2/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FCEV canopy evaporation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FCOV fractional impermeable area unitless mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FCTR canopy transpiration W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FGEV ground evaporation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FGR12 heat flux between soil layers 1 and 2 W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FGR heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FGR_R Rural heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FGR_U Urban heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FIRA net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FIRA_R Rural net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FIRA_U Urban net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FIRE emitted infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FIRESEASONL annual fire season length days mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FLDS atmospheric longwave radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FPG fraction of potential gpp proportion mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FPI fraction of potential immobilization proportion mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FPSN photosynthesis umol/m2s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FROOTC_ALLOC fine root C allocation gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FROOTC fine root C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FROOTC_LOSS fine root C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FROOTN fine root N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSA absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSA_R Rural absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSAT fractional area with water table at surface unitless mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSA_U Urban absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSDS atmospheric incident solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSDSND direct nir incident solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSDSNDLN direct nir incident solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSDSNI diffuse nir incident solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSDSVD direct vis incident solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSDSVDLN direct vis incident solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSDSVI diffuse vis incident solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSH_G sensible heat from ground W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSH_NODYNLNDUSE sensible heat not including correction for land use change W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSH_R Rural sensible heat W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSH sensible heat W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSH_U Urban sensible heat W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSH_V sensible heat from veg W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSM_R Rural snow melt heat flux W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSM snow melt heat flux W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSM_U Urban snow melt heat flux W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSNO fraction of ground covered by snow unitless mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSRND direct nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSRNDLN direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSRNI diffuse nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSR reflected solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSRVD direct vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSRVDLN direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSRVI diffuse vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 GC_HEAT1 initial gridcell total heat content J/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 GC_ICE1 initial gridcell total ice content mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 GC_LIQ1 initial gridcell total liq content mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 GPP gross primary production gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 GROSS_NMIN gross rate of N mineralization gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 GR total growth respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 H2OCAN intercepted water mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 H2OSNO snow depth (liquid water) mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 H2OSNO_TOP mass of snow in top snow layer kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 H2OSOI volumetric soil water (vegetated landunits only) mm3/mm3 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 HC heat content of soil/snow/lake MJ/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 HCSOI soil heat content MJ/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 HEAT_FROM_AC sensible heat flux put into canyon due to heat removed from air conditioning W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 HR total heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 HTOP canopy top m mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LAISHA shaded projected leaf area index none mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LAISUN sunlit projected leaf area index none mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LAND_UPTAKE NEE minus LAND_USE_FLUX negative for update gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LAND_USE_FLUX total C emitted from land cover conversion and wood product pools gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LEAFC_ALLOC leaf C allocation gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LEAFC leaf C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LEAFC_LOSS leaf C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LEAFN leaf N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITFALL litterfall (leaves and fine roots) gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITHR litter heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR1C litter labile C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR1C_TO_SOIL1C decomp. of litter 1 C to SOM 1 C gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR1N litter labile N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR2C litter cellulose C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR2C_TO_SOIL2C decomp. of litter 2 C to SOM 2 C gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR2N litter cellulose N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR3C litter lignin C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR3C_TO_SOIL3C decomp. of litter 3 C to SOM 3 C gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR3N litter lignin N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITTERC_HR litter C heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITTERC litter C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITTERC_LOSS litter C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LIVECROOTC live coarse root C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LIVECROOTN live coarse root N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LIVESTEMC live stem C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LIVESTEMN live stem N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 MEAN_FIRE_PROB e-foldingmean of daily fire probability 0-1 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 MR maintenance respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NBP net biome production includes fire landuse and harvest flux positive for sink gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NDEPLOY total N deployed in new growth gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NDEP_TO_SMINN atmospheric N deposition to soil mineral N gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NEE net ecosystem exchange of carbon includes fire landuse harvest and hrv_xsmrpool flux positive for source gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NEP net ecosystem production excludes fire landuse and harvest flux positive for sink gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NET_NMIN net rate of N mineralization gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NFIX_TO_SMINN symbiotic/asymbiotic N fixation to soil mineral N gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NPP net primary production gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 OCDEP total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PBOT atmospheric pressure Pa mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PCO2 atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 Pa mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PFT_CTRUNC pft-level sink for C truncation gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PFT_FIRE_CLOSS total pft-level fire C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PFT_FIRE_NLOSS total pft-level fire N loss gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PFT_NTRUNC pft-level sink for N truncation gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PLANT_NDEMAND N flux required to support initial GPP gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 POTENTIAL_IMMOB potential N immobilization gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD100C 100-yr wood product C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD100C_LOSS loss from 100-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD100N 100-yr wood product N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD100N_LOSS loss from 100-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD10C 10-yr wood product C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD10C_LOSS loss from 10-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD10N 10-yr wood product N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD10N_LOSS loss from 10-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PRODUCT_CLOSS total carbon loss from wood product pools gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PRODUCT_NLOSS total N loss from wood product pools gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PSNSHADE_TO_CPOOL C fixation from shaded canopy gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PSNSHA shaded leaf photosynthesis umolCO2/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PSNSUN sunlit leaf photosynthesis umolCO2/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PSNSUN_TO_CPOOL C fixation from sunlit canopy gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 Q2M 2m specific humidity kg/kg mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QBOT atmospheric specific humidity kg/kg mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QCHARGE aquifer recharge rate (vegetated landunits only) mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QDRAI sub-surface drainage mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QDRIP throughfall mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QFLX_ICE_DYNBAL ice dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QFLX_LIQ_DYNBAL liq dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QINFL infiltration mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QINTR interception mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QIRRIG water added through irrigation mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QOVER surface runoff mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QRGWL surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only) wetlands lakes mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QRUNOFF_NODYNLNDUSE total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) not including correction for land use change mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QRUNOFF_R Rural total runoff mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QRUNOFF total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QRUNOFF_U Urban total runoff mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QSNOMELT snow melt mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QSNWCPICE excess snowfall due to snow capping mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QSNWCPICE_NODYNLNDUSE excess snowfall due to snow capping not including correction for land use change mm H2O/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QSOIL Ground evaporation (soil/snow evaporation + soil/snow sublimation - dew) mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QVEGE canopy evaporation mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QVEGT canopy transpiration mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 RAIN atmospheric rain mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 RETRANSN plant pool of retranslocated N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 RETRANSN_TO_NPOOL deployment of retranslocated N gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 RH2M 2m relative humidity % mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 RH2M_R Rural 2m specific humidity % mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 RH2M_U Urban 2m relative humidity % mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 RR root respiration (fine root MR + total root GR) gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SABG solar rad absorbed by ground W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SABV solar rad absorbed by veg W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SEEDC pool for seeding new PFTs gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SEEDN pool for seeding new PFTs gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SMINN_LEACHED soil mineral N pool loss to leaching gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SMINN soil mineral N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SMINN_TO_NPOOL deployment of soil mineral N uptake gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SMINN_TO_PLANT plant uptake of soil mineral N gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOBCMCL mass of BC in snow column kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOBCMSL mass of BC in top snow layer kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNODSTMCL mass of dust in snow column kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNODSTMSL mass of dust in top snow layer kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOOCMCL mass of OC in snow column kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOOCMSL mass of OC in top snow layer kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOW atmospheric snow mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOWDP snow height m mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOWICE snow ice kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOWLIQ snow liquid water kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOW_SINKS snow sinks (liquid water) mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOW_SOURCES snow sources (liquid water) mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL1C soil organic matter C (fast pool) gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL1N soil organic matter N (fast pool) gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL2C soil organic matter C (medium pool) gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL2N soil organic matter N (medium pool) gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL3C soil organic matter C (slow pool) gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL3N soil orgainc matter N (slow pool) gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL4C soil organic matter C (slowest pool) gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL4N soil orgainc matter N (slowest pool) gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SoilAlpha factor limiting ground evap unitless mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SoilAlpha_U urban factor limiting ground evap unitless mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOILC_HR soil C heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOILC_LOSS soil C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOILC soil C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOILICE soil ice (vegetated landunits only) kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOILLIQ soil liquid water (vegetated landunits only) kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOILPSI soil water potential in each soil layer MPa mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOILWATER_10CM soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil (veg landunits only) kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOMHR soil organic matter heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SR total soil respiration (HR + root resp) gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 STORVEGC stored vegetation carbon excluding cpool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 STORVEGN stored vegetation nitrogen gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SUPPLEMENT_TO_SMINN supplemental N supply gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TAUX zonal surface stress kg/m/s^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TAUY meridional surface stress kg/m/s^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TBOT atmospheric air temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TBUILD internal urban building temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TG ground temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TG_R Rural ground temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TG_U Urban ground temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 THBOT atmospheric air potential temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TLAI total projected leaf area index none mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TLAKE lake temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTCOLC total column carbon incl veg and cpool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTCOLN total column-level N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTECOSYSC total ecosystem carbon incl veg but excl cpool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTECOSYSN total ecosystem N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTLITC total litter carbon gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTLITN total litter N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTPFTC total pft-level carbon including cpool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTPFTN total PFT-level nitrogen gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTPRODC total wood product C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTPRODN total wood product N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTSOMC total soil organic matter carbon gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTSOMN total soil organic matter N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTVEGC total vegetation carbon excluding cpool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTVEGN total vegetation nitrogen gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TREFMNAV daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TREFMNAV_R Rural daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TREFMNAV_U Urban daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TREFMXAV daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TREFMXAV_R Rural daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TREFMXAV_U Urban daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TSA 2m air temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TSAI total projected stem area index none mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TSA_R Rural 2m air temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TSA_U Urban 2m air temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TSOI_10CM soil temperature in top 10cm of soil K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TSOI_ICE soil temperature (ice landunits only) K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TSOI soil temperature (vegetated landunits only) K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TV vegetation temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 U10 10-m wind m/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 URBAN_AC urban air conditioning flux W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 URBAN_HEAT urban heating flux W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WASTEHEAT sensible heat flux from heating/cooling sources of urban waste heat W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WA water in the unconfined aquifer (vegetated landunits only) mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WIND atmospheric wind velocity magnitude m/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WOODC_ALLOC wood C allocation gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WOODC_LOSS wood C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WOODC wood C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WOOD_HARVESTC wood harvest carbon (to product pools) gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WOOD_HARVESTN wood harvest N (to product pools) gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WT total water storage (unsaturated soil water + groundwater veg landunits) mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 XSMRPOOL_RECOVER C flux assigned to recovery of negative xsmrpool gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 XSMRPOOL temporary photosynthate C pool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ZBOT atmospheric reference height m mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ZWT water table depth (vegetated landunits only) m mean
lnd day clm2.h1 FSNO fraction of ground covered by snow unitless mean
lnd day clm2.h1 H2OSNO snow depth (liquid water) mm mean
lnd day clm2.h1 QRUNOFF total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) mm/s mean
lnd day clm2.h1 RAIN atmospheric rain mm/s mean
lnd day clm2.h1 SNOW atmospheric snow mm/s mean
lnd day clm2.h1 SOILWATER_10CM soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil (veg landunits only) kg/m2 mean
ocn mon pop.h dTEMP_POS_2D max pos column temperature timestep diff degC maximum
ocn mon pop.h XBLT Maximum Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter maximum
ocn mon pop.h XMXL Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter maximum
ocn mon pop.h ADVS_ISOP Vertically-Integrated S Eddy-Induced Advection Tendency (diagnostic) cm gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h ADVS_SUBM Vertically-Integrated S submeso Advection Tendency (diagnostic) cm gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h ADVS Vertically-Integrated S Advection Tendency centimeter gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h ADVT_ISOP Vertically-Integrated T Eddy-Induced Advection Tendency (diagnostic) cm degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h ADVT_SUBM Vertically-Integrated T submeso Advection Tendency (diagnostic) cm degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h ADVT Vertically-Integrated T Advection Tendency centimeter degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h ALK Alkalinity meq/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h AOU Apparent O2 Utilization mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h ATM_ALT_CO2 Atmospheric Alternative CO2 ppmv mean
ocn mon pop.h ATM_CO2 Atmospheric CO2 ppmv mean
ocn mon pop.h BSF Diagnostic barotropic streamfunction Sv mean
ocn mon pop.h bSi_form Diatom Si Uptake mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h CaCO3_FLUX_IN CaCO3 flux into cell mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h CaCO3_form CaCO3 Formation mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h CaCO3_PROD CaCO3 Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h CFC11 CFC11 fmol/cm^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h CFC12 CFC12 fmol/cm^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h CFC_ATM_PRESS Atmospheric Pressure for CFC fluxes atmospheres mean
ocn mon pop.h CFC_IFRAC Ice Fraction for CFC fluxes fraction mean
ocn mon pop.h CFC_XKW XKW for CFC fluxes cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h CO2STAR CO2 Star mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h CO3 Carbonate Ion Concentration mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h co3_sat_arag CO3 concentration at aragonite saturation mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h co3_sat_calc CO3 concentration at calcite saturation mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DCO2STAR_ALT_CO2 D CO2 Star Alternative CO2 mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DCO2STAR D CO2 Star mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DENITRIF Denitrification mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DIA_DEPTH Depth of the Diabatic Region at the Surface cm mean
ocn mon pop.h DIA_IMPVF_CFC11 CFC11 Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing fmol/cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DIA_IMPVF_CFC12 CFC12 Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing fmol/cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DIA_IMPVF_IAGE IAGE Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing cm years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DIA_IMPVF_SALT SALT Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing gram/kilogram cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DIA_IMPVF_TEMP TEMP Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing degC cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h diat_agg Diatom Aggregate mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h diatC Diatom Carbon mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h diatChl Diatom Chlorophyll mg/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h diatFe Diatom Iron mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h diat_Fe_lim Diatom Fe Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h diat_light_lim Diatom Light Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h diat_loss Diatom Loss mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h diat_N_lim Diatom N Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h diat_PO4_lim Diatom PO4 Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h diatSi Diatom Silicon mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h diat_SiO3_lim Diatom SiO3 Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h diazC Diazotroph Carbon mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h diazChl Diazotroph Chlorophyll mg/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h diazFe Diazotroph Iron mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h diaz_Fe_lim Diaz Fe Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h diaz_light_lim Diaz LIGHT Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h diaz_loss Diaz Loss mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h diaz_Nfix Diaz N Fixation mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h diaz_P_lim Diaz PO4 Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h DIC_ALT_CO2 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Alternative CO2 mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DOC_prod DOC Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DOC_remin DOC Remineralization mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DOFe Dissolved Organic Iron mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DOFe_prod DOFe Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DON Dissolved Organic Nitrogen mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DON_prod DON Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DOP Dissolved Organic Phosphorus mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DOP_prod DOP Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DpCO2_ALT_CO2 D pCO2 Alternative CO2 ppmv mean
ocn mon pop.h DpCO2 D pCO2 ppmv mean
ocn mon pop.h ECOSYS_ATM_PRESS Atmospheric Pressure for ecosys fluxes atmospheres mean
ocn mon pop.h ECOSYS_IFRAC Ice Fraction for ecosys fluxes fraction mean
ocn mon pop.h ECOSYS_XKW XKW for ecosys fluxes cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h EVAP_F Evaporation Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Fe Dissolved Inorganic Iron mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h Fe_scavenge Iron Scavenging mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Fe_scavenge_rate Iron Scavenging Rate 1/y mean
ocn mon pop.h FG_ALT_CO2 DIC Surface Gas Flux Alternative CO2 mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h FG_CO2 DIC Surface Gas Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h FvICE_ALK Alkalinity Virtual Surface Flux ICE meq/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h FvICE_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Virtual Surface Flux ICE mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h FvPER_ALK Alkalinity Virtual Surface Flux PER meq/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h FvPER_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Virtual Surface Flux PER mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h FW Freshwater Flux centimeter/s mean
ocn mon pop.h graze_diat Diatom Grazing mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h graze_diaz Diazotroph Grazing mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h graze_sp Small Phyto Grazing mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h H2CO3 Carbonic Acid Concentration mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h HBLT Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter mean
ocn mon pop.h HCO3 Bicarbonate Ion Concentration mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFB_CFC11 CFC11 Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFB_CFC12 CFC12 Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFB_IAGE IAGE Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFB_SALT SALT Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFB_TEMP TEMP Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFE_CFC11 CFC11 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFE_CFC12 CFC12 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFE_IAGE IAGE Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFE_SALT SALT Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFE_TEMP TEMP Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFN_CFC11 CFC11 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFN_CFC12 CFC12 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFN_IAGE IAGE Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFN_SALT SALT Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFN_TEMP TEMP Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFS Vertically Integrated Horz Diff S tendency centimeter gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFT Vertically Integrated Horz Mix T tendency centimeter degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HLS_SUBM Horizontal length scale used in submeso cm mean
ocn mon pop.h HMXL Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter mean
ocn mon pop.h HOR_DIFF Horizontal diffusion coefficient cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h IAGE Ideal Age years mean
ocn mon pop.h IAGE_RESET_TEND surface reset tendency of IAGE years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h IFRAC Ice Fraction from Coupler fraction mean
ocn mon pop.h INT_DEPTH Depth at which the Interior Region Starts cm mean
ocn mon pop.h IOFF_F Ice Runoff Flux from Coupler due to Land-Model Snow Capping kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h IRON_FLUX Iron Flux mmol/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h J_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Source Sink Term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_ALK Alkalinity Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m meq/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_Fe Dissolved Inorganic Iron Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_NH4 Dissolved Ammonia Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_NO3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_O2 Dissolved Oxygen Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_PO4 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_SiO3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KAPPA_ISOP Isopycnal diffusion coefficient cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KAPPA_THIC Thickness diffusion coefficient cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KPP_SRC_CFC11 CFC11 tendency from KPP non local mixing term fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KPP_SRC_CFC12 CFC12 tendency from KPP non local mixing term fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KPP_SRC_SALT SALT tendency from KPP non local mixing term gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KPP_SRC_TEMP TEMP tendency from KPP non local mixing term degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KVMIX_M Vertical viscosity due to Tidal Mixing + background centimeter^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KVMIX Vertical diabatic diffusivity due to Tidal Mixing + background centimeter^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h LWDN_F Longwave Heat Flux (dn) from Coupler watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h LWUP_F Longwave Heat Flux (up) from Coupler watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h MELT_F Melt Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h MELTH_F Melt Heat Flux from Coupler watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h MOC Meridional Overturning Circulation Sverdrups mean
ocn mon pop.h NH4 Dissolved Ammonia mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h N_HEAT Northward Heat Transport Pwatt mean
ocn mon pop.h NHy_FLUX Flux of NHy from Atmosphere nmol/cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h NITRIF Nitrification mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h NO3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h NOx_FLUX Flux of NOx from Atmosphere nmol/cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h N_SALT Northward Salt Transport gram centimeter^3/kg/s mean
ocn mon pop.h O2_CONSUMPTION O2 Consumption mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h O2 Dissolved Oxygen mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h O2_PRODUCTION O2 Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h O2SAT O2 Saturation mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h O2_ZMIN_DEPTH Depth of Vertical Minimum of O2 cm mean
ocn mon pop.h O2_ZMIN Vertical Minimum of O2 mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h PAR_avg PAR Average over Model Cell w/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h pCO2SURF surface pCO2 ppmv mean
ocn mon pop.h PD Potential Density Ref to Surface gram/centimeter^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h pH_3D pH none mean
ocn mon pop.h PH_ALT_CO2 Surface pH Alternative CO2 none mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_diat Diatom C Fixation mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_diaz Diaz C Fixation mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_NO3_diat Diatom C Fixation from NO3 mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_NO3_diat_zint Diatom C Fixation from NO3 Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_NO3_diaz Diaz C Fixation from NO3 mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_NO3_diaz_zint Diaz C Fixation from NO3 Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_NO3_sp Small Phyto C Fixation from NO3 mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_NO3_sp_zint Small Phyto C Fixation from NO3 Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_sp Small Phyto C Fixation mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h PH Surface pH none mean
ocn mon pop.h P_iron_FLUX_IN P_iron Flux into Cell mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h P_iron_PROD P_iron Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h PO4 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h POC_FLUX_IN POC Flux into Cell mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h POC_PROD POC Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h PREC_F Precipitation Flux from Cpl (rain+snow) kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h PV Potential Vorticity 1/s mean
ocn mon pop.h QFLUX Internal Ocean Heat Flux Due to Ice Formation; heat of fusion > 0 or ice-melting potential < 0 Watts/meter^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h Q Static Stability (d(rho(p_r))/dz) gram/centimeter^4 mean
ocn mon pop.h QSW_3D Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h QSW_HBL Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in bndry layer watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h QSW_HTP Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in top layer watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h RESID_S Free-Surface Residual Flux (S) kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h RESID_T Free-Surface Residual Flux (T) watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h RHO In-Situ Density gram/centimeter^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h RHO_VINT Vertical Integral of In-Situ Density gram/centimeter^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h ROFF_F Runoff Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SALT_F Salt Flux from Coupler (kg of salt/m^2/s) kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SALT Salinity gram/kilogram mean
ocn mon pop.h SCHMIDT_CO2 CO2 Schmidt Number none mean
ocn mon pop.h SCHMIDT_O2 O2 Schmidt Number none mean
ocn mon pop.h SENH_F Sensible Heat Flux from Coupler watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h SFWF Virtual Salt Flux in FW Flux formulation kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SFWF_WRST Virtual Salt Flux due to weak restoring kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SHF_QSW Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h SHF Total Surface Heat Flux Including SW watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h SiO2_FLUX_IN SiO2 Flux into Cell mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SiO2_PROD SiO2 Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SiO3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h SNOW_F Snow Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h sp_agg Small Phyto Aggregate mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h spCaCO3 Small Phytoplankton CaCO3 mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h spChl Small phytoplankton Chlorophyll mg/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h spC Small Phytoplankton Carbon mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h sp_Fe_lim Small Phyto Fe Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h spFe Small Phytoplankton Iron mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h sp_light_lim Small Phyto Light Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h sp_loss Small Phyto Loss mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h sp_N_lim Small Phyto N Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h sp_PO4_lim Small Phyto PO4 Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h SSH2 SSH**2 cm^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h SSH Sea Surface Height centimeter mean
ocn mon pop.h SST Potential Temperature degC mean
ocn mon pop.h STF_CFC11 CFC11 Surface Flux fmol/cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h STF_CFC12 CFC12 Surface Flux fmol/cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h STF_O2 Dissolved Oxygen Surface Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SU Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-x direction centimeter^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SV Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-y direction centimeter^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h TAUX2 Windstress**2 in grid-x direction dyne^2/centimeter^4 mean
ocn mon pop.h TAUX Windstress in grid-x direction dyne/centimeter^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h TAUY2 Windstress**2 in grid-y direction dyne^2/centimeter^4 mean
ocn mon pop.h TAUY Windstress in grid-y direction dyne/centimeter^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h TEMP Potential Temperature degC mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_ALK Alkalinity Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m meq/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_DIC_ALT_CO2 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Alternative CO2 Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_Fe Dissolved Inorganic Iron Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_NH4 Dissolved Ammonia Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_NO3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_O2 Dissolved Oxygen Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_PO4 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_SiO3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h TFW_S S flux due to freshwater flux (kg of salt/m^2/s) kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h TFW_T T flux due to freshwater flux watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h TLT Transition Layer Thickness cm mean
ocn mon pop.h TPOWER Energy Used by Vertical Mixing erg/s/cm^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h UE_CFC11 CFC11 Flux in grid-x direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h UE_CFC12 CFC12 Flux in grid-x direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h UE_IAGE IAGE Flux in grid-x direction years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h UES Salt Flux in grid-x direction gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h UET Flux of Heat in grid-x direction degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h UISOP Bolus Velocity in grid-x direction (diagnostic) cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h USUBM Submeso velocity in grid-x direction (diagnostic) cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h UVEL2 Velocity**2 in grid-x direction centimeter^2/s^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h UVEL Velocity in grid-x direction centimeter/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VDC_S total diabatic vertical SALT diffusivity cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VDC_T total diabatic vertical TEMP diffusivity cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VISOP Bolus Velocity in grid-y direction (diagnostic) cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VN_CFC11 CFC11 Flux in grid-y direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VN_CFC12 CFC12 Flux in grid-y direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VN_IAGE IAGE Flux in grid-y direction years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VNS_ISOP Salt Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to Eddy-Induced Vel (diagnostic) gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VNS Salt Flux in grid-y direction gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VNS_SUBM Salt Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to submeso Vel (diagnostic) gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VNT Flux of Heat in grid-y direction degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VNT_ISOP Heat Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to Eddy-Induced Vel (diagnostic) degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VNT_SUBM Heat Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to submeso Vel (diagnostic) degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VSUBM Submeso velocity in grid-y direction (diagnostic) cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VVC total vertical momentum viscosity cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VVEL2 Velocity**2 in grid-y direction centimeter^2/s^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h VVEL Velocity in grid-y direction centimeter/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WISOP Vertical Bolus Velocity (diagnostic) cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WSUBM Vertical submeso velocity (diagnostic) cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WT_CFC11 CFC11 Flux Across Top Face fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WT_CFC12 CFC12 Flux Across Top Face fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WT_IAGE IAGE Flux Across Top Face years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WTS Salt Flux Across Top Face gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WTT Heat Flux Across Top Face degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WVEL2 Vertical Velocity**2 centimeter^2/s^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h WVEL Vertical Velocity centimeter/s mean
ocn mon pop.h zooC Zooplankton Carbon mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h zoo_loss Zooplankton Loss mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h zsatarag Aragonite Saturation Depth cm mean
ocn mon pop.h zsatcalc Calcite Saturation Depth cm mean
ocn mon pop.h dTEMP_NEG_2D min neg column temperature timestep diff degC minimum
ocn mon pop.h TBLT Minimum Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter minimum
ocn mon pop.h TMXL Minimum Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter minimum
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 CaCO3_form_zint CaCO3 Formation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 diatChl_SURF Diatom Chlorophyll Surface Value mg/m^3 mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 diatC_zint_100m Diatom Carbon 0-100m Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 diazChl_SURF Diazotroph Chlorophyll Surface Value mg/m^3 mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 diazC_zint_100m Diazotroph Carbon 0-100m Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 DpCO2_2 D pCO2 ppmv mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 ECOSYS_IFRAC_2 Ice Fraction for ecosys fluxes fraction mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 ECOSYS_XKW_2 XKW for ecosys fluxes cm/s mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 FG_CO2_2 DIC Surface Gas Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 photoC_diat_zint Diatom C Fixation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 photoC_diaz_zint Diaz C Fixation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 photoC_sp_zint Small Phyto C Fixation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 spCaCO3_zint_100m Small Phytoplankton CaCO3 0-100m Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 spChl_SURF Small phytoplankton Chlorophyll Surface Value mg/m^3 mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 spC_zint_100m Small Phytoplankton Carbon 0-100m Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 STF_O2_2 Dissolved Oxygen Surface Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 zooC_zint_100m Zooplankton Carbon 0-100m Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 DIA_IMPVF_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 DIA_IMPVF_DIC DIC Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 DIA_IMPVF_DOC DOC Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 DIA_IMPVF_Fe Fe Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 DIA_IMPVF_O2 O2 Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFB_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFB_DIC DIC Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFB_DOC DOC Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFB_Fe Fe Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFB_O2 O2 Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFE_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFE_DIC DIC Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFE_DOC DOC Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFE_Fe Fe Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFE_O2 O2 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFN_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFN_DIC DIC Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFN_DOC DOC Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFN_Fe Fe Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFN_O2 O2 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 J_ALK Alkalinity Source Sink Term meq/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 J_Fe Dissolved Inorganic Iron Source Sink Term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 J_NH4 Dissolved Ammonia Source Sink Term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 J_NO3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate Source Sink Term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 J_PO4 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate Source Sink Term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 J_SiO3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate Source Sink Term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 KPP_SRC_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 tendency from KPP non local mixing term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 KPP_SRC_DIC DIC tendency from KPP non local mixing term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 KPP_SRC_Fe Fe tendency from KPP non local mixing term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 KPP_SRC_O2 O2 tendency from KPP non local mixing term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 UE_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 UE_DIC DIC Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 UE_DOC DOC Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 UE_Fe Fe Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 UE_O2 O2 Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 VN_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 VN_DIC DIC Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 VN_DOC DOC Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 VN_Fe Fe Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 VN_O2 O2 Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 WT_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 Flux Across Top Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 WT_DIC DIC Flux Across Top Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 WT_DOC DOC Flux Across Top Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 WT_Fe Fe Flux Across Top Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 WT_O2 O2 Flux Across Top Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 XBLT_2 Maximum Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter maximum
ocn day pop.h.nday1 XMXL_2 Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter maximum
ocn day pop.h.nday1 HMXL_2 Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 SSH_2 Sea Surface Height centimeter mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 SST2 Surface Potential Temperature**2 degC mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 SST Surface Potential Temperature degC mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 TAUX_2 Windstress in grid-x direction dyne/centimeter^2 mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 TAUY_2 Windstress in grid-y direction dyne/centimeter^2 mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 WVEL_50m Vertical Velocity at 50m Depth centimeter/s mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 HBLT_2 Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter mean
rof mon rtm.h0 QCHANR_ICE RTM river flow: ICE m3/s mean
rof mon rtm.h0 QCHANR RTM river flow: LIQ m3/s mean
rof mon rtm.h0 QCHOCNR_ICE RTM river discharge into ocean: ICE m3/s mean
rof mon rtm.h0 QCHOCNR RTM river discharge into ocean: LIQ m3/s mean
rof mon rtm.h0 VOLR RTM storage: LIQ m3 mean
rof day rtm.h1 QCHANR RTM river flow: LIQ m3/s mean
rof day rtm.h1 VOLR RTM storage: LIQ m3 mean
Component Time Frequency Stream Field Name Long Name Units Time Averaging
atm mon cam.h0 TREFHTMX Maximum reference height temperature over output period K maximum
atm mon cam.h0 TSMX Maximum surface temperature over output period K maximum
atm mon cam.h0 WGUSTD wind gusts from turbulence m/s maximum
atm mon cam.h0 ABSORB Aerosol absorption /m mean
atm mon cam.h0 ANRAIN Average rain number conc m-3 mean
atm mon cam.h0 ANSNOW Average snow number conc m-3 mean
atm mon cam.h0 AODABS Aerosol absorption optical depth 550 nm   mean
atm mon cam.h0 AODDUST1 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 1 from dust   mean
atm mon cam.h0 AODDUST2 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 2 from dust   mean
atm mon cam.h0 AODDUST3 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 3 from dust   mean
atm mon cam.h0 AODVIS Aerosol optical depth 550 nm   mean
atm mon cam.h0 AQRAIN Average rain mixing ratio kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 AQSNOW Average snow mixing ratio kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 AREI Average ice effective radius Micron mean
atm mon cam.h0 AREL Average droplet effective radius Micron mean
atm mon cam.h0 AWNC Average cloud water number conc m-3 mean
atm mon cam.h0 AWNI Average cloud ice number conc m-3 mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_a1DDF bc_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_a1_logm bc_a1 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_a1_logv bc_a1 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_a1SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_a1_SRF bc_a1 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_c1 bc_c1 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_c1DDF bc_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 bc_c1SFWET bc_c1 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 BURDENBC Black carbon aerosol burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 BURDENDUST Dust aerosol burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 BURDENPOM POM aerosol burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 BURDENSEASALT Seasalt aerosol burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 BURDENSO4 Sulfate aerosol burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 BURDENSOA SOA aerosol burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 CCN3 CCN concentration at S=0.1% #/cm3 mean
atm mon cam.h0 CDNUMC Vertically-integrated droplet concentration #/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 CLDHGH Vertically-integrated high cloud fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 CLDICE Grid box averaged cloud ice amount kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 CLDLIQ Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 CLDLOW Vertically-integrated low cloud fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 CLDMED Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 CLDTOT Vertically-integrated total cloud fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 CLOUD Cloud fraction fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 CO2 CO2 kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 CO2_FFF CO2_FFF kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 CO2_LND CO2_LND kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 CO2_OCN CO2_OCN kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 DCQ Q tendency due to moist processes kg/kg/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a1DDF dst_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a1_logm dst_a1 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a1_logv dst_a1 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a1SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a1_SRF dst_a1 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a3DDF dst_a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a3_logm dst_a3 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a3_logv dst_a3 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a3SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_a3_SRF dst_a3 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_c1DDF dst_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_c1 dst_c1 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_c1SFWET dst_c1 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_c3DDF dst_c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_c3 dst_c3 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 dst_c3SFWET dst_c3 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 DTCOND T tendency - moist processes K/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 DTV T vertical diffusion K/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 EXTINCT Aerosol extinction /m mean
atm mon cam.h0 FICE Fractional ice content within cloud fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 FLDS Downwelling longwave flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FLNSC Clearsky net longwave flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FLNS Net longwave flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FLNTC Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FLNT Net longwave flux at top of model W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FLUTC Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FLUT Upwelling longwave flux at top of model W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FREQI Fractional occurance of ice fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 FREQL Fractional occurance of liquid fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 FREQR Fractional occurance of rain fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 FREQS Fractional occurance of snow fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSDSC Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSDS Downwelling solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSNSC Clearsky net solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSNS Net solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSNTC Clearsky net solar flux at top of model W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSNT Net solar flux at top of model W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSNTOAC Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 FSNTOA Net solar flux at top of atmosphere W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 ICEFRAC Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 ICIMR Prognostic in-cloud ice mixing ratio kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ICLDIWP In-cloud ice water path kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 ICLDTWP In-cloud cloud total water path (liquid and ice) kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 ICWMR Prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 IWC Grid box average ice water content kg/m3 mean
atm mon cam.h0 LANDFRAC Fraction of sfc area covered by land fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 LHFLX Surface latent heat flux W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 LWCF Longwave cloud forcing W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a1DDF ncl_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a1_logm ncl_a1 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a1_logv ncl_a1 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a1SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a2DDF ncl_a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a2_logm ncl_a2 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a2_logv ncl_a2 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a2SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a3DDF ncl_a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a3_logm ncl_a3 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a3_logv ncl_a3 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_a3SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c1DDF ncl_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c1 ncl_c1 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c1SFWET ncl_c1 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c2DDF ncl_c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c2 ncl_c2 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c2SFWET ncl_c2 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c3DDF ncl_c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c3 ncl_c3 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 ncl_c3SFWET ncl_c3 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a1DDF num_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a1_logm num_a1 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a1_logv num_a1 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a1SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a2DDF num_a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a2_logm num_a2 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a2_logv num_a2 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a2SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a3DDF num_a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a3_logm num_a3 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a3_logv num_a3 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_a3SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c1DDF num_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c1 num_c1 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c1SFWET num_c1 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c2DDF num_c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c2 num_c2 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c2SFWET num_c2 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c3DDF num_c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c3 num_c3 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 num_c3SFWET num_c3 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 NUMICE Grid box averaged cloud ice number kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 NUMLIQ Grid box averaged cloud liquid number kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 OCNFRAC Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean fraction mean
atm mon cam.h0 OMEGAT Vertical heat flux K Pa/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 OMEGA Vertical velocity (pressure) Pa/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 PBLH PBL height m mean
atm mon cam.h0 PHIS Surface geopotential m2/s2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_a1DDF pom_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_a1_logm pom_a1 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_a1_logv pom_a1 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_a1SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_a1_SRF pom_a1 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_c1DDF pom_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_c1 pom_c1 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 pom_c1SFWET pom_c1 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 PRECC Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 PRECL Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 PRECSC Convective snow rate (water equivalent) m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 PRECSL Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 PSL Sea level pressure Pa mean
atm mon cam.h0 PS Surface pressure Pa mean
atm mon cam.h0 QFLX Surface water flux kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 QRL Longwave heating rate K/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 QRS Solar heating rate K/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 Q Specific humidity kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 RELHUM Relative humidity percent mean
atm mon cam.h0 SFCO2 CO2 surface flux kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 SFCO2_FFF CO2_FFF surface flux kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 SFCO2_LND CO2_LND surface flux kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 SFCO2_OCN CO2_OCN surface flux kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 SHFLX Surface sensible heat flux W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 SNOWHICE Water equivalent snow depth m mean
atm mon cam.h0 SNOWHLND Water equivalent snow depth m mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a1DDF so4_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a1_logm so4_a1 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a1_logv so4_a1 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a1SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a1_SRF so4_a1 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a2DDF so4_a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a2_logm so4_a2 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a2_logv so4_a2 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a2SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a2_SRF so4_a2 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a3DDF so4_a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a3_logm so4_a3 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a3_logv so4_a3 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a3SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_a3_SRF so4_a3 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c1DDF so4_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c1SFWET so4_c1 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c1 so4_c1 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c2DDF so4_c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c2SFWET so4_c2 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c2 so4_c2 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c3DDF so4_c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c3SFWET so4_c3 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 so4_c3 so4_c3 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a1DDF soa_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a1_logm soa_a1 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a1_logv soa_a1 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a1SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a1_SRF soa_a1 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a2DDF soa_a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a2_logm soa_a2 log concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a2_logv soa_a2 log^2 concentration kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a2SFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_a2_SRF soa_a2 in bottom layer kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_c1DDF soa_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_c1SFWET soa_c1 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_c1 soa_c1 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_c2DDF soa_c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_c2SFWET soa_c2 wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 soa_c2 soa_c2 in cloud water kg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 SOLIN Solar insolation W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 SRFRAD Net radiative flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 SWCF Shortwave cloud forcing W/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TAUX Zonal surface stress N/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TAUY Meridional surface stress N/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TGCLDIWP Total grid-box cloud ice water path kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TGCLDLWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TMCO2 CO2 column burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TMCO2_FFF CO2_FFF column burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TMCO2_LND CO2_LND column burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TMCO2_OCN CO2_OCN column burden kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TMQ Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water kg/m2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TOT_CLD_VISTAU Total gbx cloud extinction visible sw optical depth 1 mean
atm mon cam.h0 TREFHT Reference height temperature K mean
atm mon cam.h0 TROP_P Tropopause Pressure Pa mean
atm mon cam.h0 TROP_T Tropopause Temperature K mean
atm mon cam.h0 TS Surface temperature (radiative) K mean
atm mon cam.h0 T Temperature K mean
atm mon cam.h0 U10 10m wind speed m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 UQ Zonal water transport m/skg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 UU Zonal velocity squared m2/s2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 U Zonal wind m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 VD01 Vertical diffusion of Q kg/kg/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 V Meridional wind m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 VQ Meridional water transport m/skg/kg mean
atm mon cam.h0 VT Meridional heat transport K m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 VU Meridional flux of zonal momentum m2/s2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 VV Meridional velocity squared m2/s2 mean
atm mon cam.h0 WSPDSRFMX Horizontal total wind speed maximum at the surface m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 WSUB Diagnostic sub-grid vertical velocity m/s mean
atm mon cam.h0 Z3 Geopotential Height (above sea level) m mean
atm mon cam.h0 TREFHTMN Minimum reference height temperature over output period K minimum
atm mon cam.h0 TSMN Minimum surface temperature over output period K minimum
atm day cam.h1 TREFHTMX Maximum reference height temperature over output period K maximum
atm day cam.h1 FLNSC Clearsky net longwave flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 FLNS Net longwave flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 FLUT Upwelling longwave flux at top of model W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 FSNSC Clearsky net solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 FSNS Net solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 FSNTOA Net solar flux at top of atmosphere W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 ICEFRAC Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice fraction mean
atm day cam.h1 LHFLX Surface latent heat flux W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 PRECL Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 PRECSC Convective snow rate (water equivalent) m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 PRECSL Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 PRECTMX Maximum (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq+ice) m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 PRECT Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 PSL Sea level pressure Pa mean
atm day cam.h1 Q200 Specific Humidity at 200 mbar pressure surface kg/kg mean
atm day cam.h1 Q500 Specific Humidity at 500 mbar pressure surface kg/kg mean
atm day cam.h1 Q850 Specific Humidity at 850 mbar pressure surface kg/kg mean
atm day cam.h1 QBOT Lowest model level water vapor mixing ratio kg/kg mean
atm day cam.h1 SHFLX Surface sensible heat flux W/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 T010 Temperature at 10 mbar pressure surface K mean
atm day cam.h1 T200 Temperature at 200 mbar pressure surface K mean
atm day cam.h1 T500 Temperature at 500 mbar pressure surface K mean
atm day cam.h1 T850 Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface K mean
atm day cam.h1 TAUX Zonal surface stress N/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 TAUY Meridional surface stress N/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 TMQ Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water kg/m2 mean
atm day cam.h1 TREFHT Reference height temperature K mean
atm day cam.h1 TS Surface temperature (radiative) K mean
atm day cam.h1 U010 Zonal wind at 10 mbar pressure surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 U200 Zonal wind at 200 mbar pressure surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 U500 Zonal wind at 500 mbar pressure surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 U850 Zonal wind at 850 mbar pressure surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 UBOT Lowest model level zonal wind m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 V200 Meridional wind at 200 mbar pressure surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 V500 Meridional wind at 500 mbar pressure surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 V850 Meridional wind at 850 mbar pressure surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 VBOT Lowest model level meridional wind m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 WSPDSRFAV Horizontal total wind speed average at the surface m/s mean
atm day cam.h1 Z050 Geopotential Z at 50 mbar pressure surface m mean
atm day cam.h1 Z500 Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface m mean
atm day cam.h1 TREFHTMN Minimum reference height temperature over output period K minimum
atm hr6 cam.h2 CLDHGH Vertically-integrated high cloud fraction mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 CLDLOW Vertically-integrated low cloud fraction mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 CLDMED Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud fraction mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 CLDTOT Vertically-integrated total cloud fraction mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 CLOUD Cloud fraction fraction mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 FLDS Downwelling longwave flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 FLNS Net longwave flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 FSDS Downwelling solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 FSNS Net solar flux at surface W/m2 mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 PRECT Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 TGCLDIWP Total grid-box cloud ice water path kg/m2 mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 TGCLDLWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path kg/m2 mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 TOT_CLD_VISTAU Total gbx cloud extinction visible sw optical depth 1 mean
atm hr6 cam.h2 PSL Sea level pressure Pa instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 PS Surface pressure Pa instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 QREFHT Reference height humidity kg/kg instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 Q Specific humidity kg/kg instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 TREFHT Reference height temperature K instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 TROP_P Tropopause Pressure Pa instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 TROP_T Tropopause Temperature K instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 TS Surface temperature (radiative) K instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 T Temperature K instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 U Zonal wind m/s instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 V Meridional wind m/s instantaneous
atm hr6 cam.h2 Z3 Geopotential Height (above sea level) m instantaneous
Component Time Frequency Stream Field Name Long Name Units Time Averaging
ocn mon pop.h dTEMP_POS_2D max pos column temperature timestep diff degC maximum
ocn mon pop.h XBLT Maximum Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter maximum
ocn mon pop.h XMXL Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter maximum
ocn mon pop.h ADVS_ISOP Vertically-Integrated S Eddy-Induced Advection Tendency (diagnostic) cm gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h ADVS_SUBM Vertically-Integrated S submeso Advection Tendency (diagnostic) cm gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h ADVS Vertically-Integrated S Advection Tendency centimeter gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h ADVT_ISOP Vertically-Integrated T Eddy-Induced Advection Tendency (diagnostic) cm degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h ADVT_SUBM Vertically-Integrated T submeso Advection Tendency (diagnostic) cm degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h ADVT Vertically-Integrated T Advection Tendency centimeter degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h ALK Alkalinity meq/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h AOU Apparent O2 Utilization mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h ATM_ALT_CO2 Atmospheric Alternative CO2 ppmv mean
ocn mon pop.h ATM_CO2 Atmospheric CO2 ppmv mean
ocn mon pop.h BSF Diagnostic barotropic streamfunction Sv mean
ocn mon pop.h bSi_form Diatom Si Uptake mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h CaCO3_FLUX_IN CaCO3 flux into cell mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h CaCO3_form CaCO3 Formation mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h CaCO3_PROD CaCO3 Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h CFC11 CFC11 fmol/cm^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h CFC12 CFC12 fmol/cm^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h CFC_ATM_PRESS Atmospheric Pressure for CFC fluxes atmospheres mean
ocn mon pop.h CFC_IFRAC Ice Fraction for CFC fluxes fraction mean
ocn mon pop.h CFC_XKW XKW for CFC fluxes cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h CO2STAR CO2 Star mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h CO3 Carbonate Ion Concentration mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h co3_sat_arag CO3 concentration at aragonite saturation mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h co3_sat_calc CO3 concentration at calcite saturation mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DCO2STAR_ALT_CO2 D CO2 Star Alternative CO2 mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DCO2STAR D CO2 Star mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DENITRIF Denitrification mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DIA_DEPTH Depth of the Diabatic Region at the Surface cm mean
ocn mon pop.h DIA_IMPVF_CFC11 CFC11 Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing fmol/cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DIA_IMPVF_CFC12 CFC12 Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing fmol/cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DIA_IMPVF_IAGE IAGE Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing cm years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DIA_IMPVF_SALT SALT Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing gram/kilogram cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DIA_IMPVF_TEMP TEMP Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing degC cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h diat_agg Diatom Aggregate mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h diatC Diatom Carbon mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h diatChl Diatom Chlorophyll mg/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h diatFe Diatom Iron mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h diat_Fe_lim Diatom Fe Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h diat_light_lim Diatom Light Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h diat_loss Diatom Loss mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h diat_N_lim Diatom N Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h diat_PO4_lim Diatom PO4 Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h diatSi Diatom Silicon mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h diat_SiO3_lim Diatom SiO3 Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h diazC Diazotroph Carbon mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h diazChl Diazotroph Chlorophyll mg/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h diazFe Diazotroph Iron mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h diaz_Fe_lim Diaz Fe Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h diaz_light_lim Diaz LIGHT Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h diaz_loss Diaz Loss mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h diaz_Nfix Diaz N Fixation mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h diaz_P_lim Diaz PO4 Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h DIC_ALT_CO2 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Alternative CO2 mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DOC_prod DOC Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DOC_remin DOC Remineralization mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DOFe Dissolved Organic Iron mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DOFe_prod DOFe Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DON Dissolved Organic Nitrogen mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DON_prod DON Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DOP Dissolved Organic Phosphorus mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h DOP_prod DOP Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h DpCO2_ALT_CO2 D pCO2 Alternative CO2 ppmv mean
ocn mon pop.h DpCO2 D pCO2 ppmv mean
ocn mon pop.h ECOSYS_ATM_PRESS Atmospheric Pressure for ecosys fluxes atmospheres mean
ocn mon pop.h ECOSYS_IFRAC Ice Fraction for ecosys fluxes fraction mean
ocn mon pop.h ECOSYS_XKW XKW for ecosys fluxes cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h EVAP_F Evaporation Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Fe Dissolved Inorganic Iron mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h Fe_scavenge Iron Scavenging mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Fe_scavenge_rate Iron Scavenging Rate 1/y mean
ocn mon pop.h FG_ALT_CO2 DIC Surface Gas Flux Alternative CO2 mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h FG_CO2 DIC Surface Gas Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h FvICE_ALK Alkalinity Virtual Surface Flux ICE meq/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h FvICE_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Virtual Surface Flux ICE mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h FvPER_ALK Alkalinity Virtual Surface Flux PER meq/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h FvPER_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Virtual Surface Flux PER mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h FW Freshwater Flux centimeter/s mean
ocn mon pop.h graze_diat Diatom Grazing mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h graze_diaz Diazotroph Grazing mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h graze_sp Small Phyto Grazing mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h H2CO3 Carbonic Acid Concentration mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h HBLT Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter mean
ocn mon pop.h HCO3 Bicarbonate Ion Concentration mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFB_CFC11 CFC11 Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFB_CFC12 CFC12 Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFB_IAGE IAGE Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFB_SALT SALT Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFB_TEMP TEMP Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFE_CFC11 CFC11 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFE_CFC12 CFC12 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFE_IAGE IAGE Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFE_SALT SALT Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFE_TEMP TEMP Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFN_CFC11 CFC11 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFN_CFC12 CFC12 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFN_IAGE IAGE Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFN_SALT SALT Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFN_TEMP TEMP Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFS Vertically Integrated Horz Diff S tendency centimeter gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HDIFT Vertically Integrated Horz Mix T tendency centimeter degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h HLS_SUBM Horizontal length scale used in submeso cm mean
ocn mon pop.h HMXL Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter mean
ocn mon pop.h HOR_DIFF Horizontal diffusion coefficient cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h IAGE Ideal Age years mean
ocn mon pop.h IAGE_RESET_TEND surface reset tendency of IAGE years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h IFRAC Ice Fraction from Coupler fraction mean
ocn mon pop.h INT_DEPTH Depth at which the Interior Region Starts cm mean
ocn mon pop.h IOFF_F Ice Runoff Flux from Coupler due to Land-Model Snow Capping kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h IRON_FLUX Iron Flux mmol/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h J_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Source Sink Term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_ALK Alkalinity Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m meq/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_Fe Dissolved Inorganic Iron Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_NH4 Dissolved Ammonia Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_NO3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_O2 Dissolved Oxygen Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_PO4 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h Jint_100m_SiO3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate Source Sink Term Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KAPPA_ISOP Isopycnal diffusion coefficient cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KAPPA_THIC Thickness diffusion coefficient cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KPP_SRC_CFC11 CFC11 tendency from KPP non local mixing term fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KPP_SRC_CFC12 CFC12 tendency from KPP non local mixing term fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KPP_SRC_SALT SALT tendency from KPP non local mixing term gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KPP_SRC_TEMP TEMP tendency from KPP non local mixing term degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KVMIX_M Vertical viscosity due to Tidal Mixing + background centimeter^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h KVMIX Vertical diabatic diffusivity due to Tidal Mixing + background centimeter^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h LWDN_F Longwave Heat Flux (dn) from Coupler watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h LWUP_F Longwave Heat Flux (up) from Coupler watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h MELT_F Melt Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h MELTH_F Melt Heat Flux from Coupler watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h MOC Meridional Overturning Circulation Sverdrups mean
ocn mon pop.h NH4 Dissolved Ammonia mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h N_HEAT Northward Heat Transport Pwatt mean
ocn mon pop.h NHy_FLUX Flux of NHy from Atmosphere nmol/cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h NITRIF Nitrification mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h NO3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h NOx_FLUX Flux of NOx from Atmosphere nmol/cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h N_SALT Northward Salt Transport gram centimeter^3/kg/s mean
ocn mon pop.h O2_CONSUMPTION O2 Consumption mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h O2 Dissolved Oxygen mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h O2_PRODUCTION O2 Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h O2SAT O2 Saturation mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h O2_ZMIN_DEPTH Depth of Vertical Minimum of O2 cm mean
ocn mon pop.h O2_ZMIN Vertical Minimum of O2 mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h PAR_avg PAR Average over Model Cell w/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h pCO2SURF surface pCO2 ppmv mean
ocn mon pop.h PD Potential Density Ref to Surface gram/centimeter^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h pH_3D pH none mean
ocn mon pop.h PH_ALT_CO2 Surface pH Alternative CO2 none mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_diat Diatom C Fixation mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_diaz Diaz C Fixation mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_NO3_diat Diatom C Fixation from NO3 mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_NO3_diat_zint Diatom C Fixation from NO3 Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_NO3_diaz Diaz C Fixation from NO3 mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_NO3_diaz_zint Diaz C Fixation from NO3 Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_NO3_sp Small Phyto C Fixation from NO3 mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_NO3_sp_zint Small Phyto C Fixation from NO3 Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h photoC_sp Small Phyto C Fixation mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h PH Surface pH none mean
ocn mon pop.h P_iron_FLUX_IN P_iron Flux into Cell mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h P_iron_PROD P_iron Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h PO4 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h POC_FLUX_IN POC Flux into Cell mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h POC_PROD POC Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h PREC_F Precipitation Flux from Cpl (rain+snow) kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h PV Potential Vorticity 1/s mean
ocn mon pop.h QFLUX Internal Ocean Heat Flux Due to Ice Formation; heat of fusion > 0 or ice-melting potential < 0 Watts/meter^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h Q Static Stability (d(rho(p_r))/dz) gram/centimeter^4 mean
ocn mon pop.h QSW_3D Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h QSW_HBL Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in bndry layer watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h QSW_HTP Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in top layer watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h RESID_S Free-Surface Residual Flux (S) kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h RESID_T Free-Surface Residual Flux (T) watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h RHO In-Situ Density gram/centimeter^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h RHO_VINT Vertical Integral of In-Situ Density gram/centimeter^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h ROFF_F Runoff Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SALT_F Salt Flux from Coupler (kg of salt/m^2/s) kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SALT Salinity gram/kilogram mean
ocn mon pop.h SCHMIDT_CO2 CO2 Schmidt Number none mean
ocn mon pop.h SCHMIDT_O2 O2 Schmidt Number none mean
ocn mon pop.h SENH_F Sensible Heat Flux from Coupler watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h SFWF Virtual Salt Flux in FW Flux formulation kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SFWF_WRST Virtual Salt Flux due to weak restoring kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SHF_QSW Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h SHF Total Surface Heat Flux Including SW watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h SiO2_FLUX_IN SiO2 Flux into Cell mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SiO2_PROD SiO2 Production mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SiO3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h SNOW_F Snow Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h sp_agg Small Phyto Aggregate mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h spCaCO3 Small Phytoplankton CaCO3 mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h spChl Small phytoplankton Chlorophyll mg/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h spC Small Phytoplankton Carbon mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h sp_Fe_lim Small Phyto Fe Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h spFe Small Phytoplankton Iron mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h sp_light_lim Small Phyto Light Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h sp_loss Small Phyto Loss mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h sp_N_lim Small Phyto N Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h sp_PO4_lim Small Phyto PO4 Limitation none mean
ocn mon pop.h SSH2 SSH**2 cm^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h SSH Sea Surface Height centimeter mean
ocn mon pop.h SST Potential Temperature degC mean
ocn mon pop.h STF_CFC11 CFC11 Surface Flux fmol/cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h STF_CFC12 CFC12 Surface Flux fmol/cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h STF_O2 Dissolved Oxygen Surface Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SU Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-x direction centimeter^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h SV Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-y direction centimeter^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h TAUX2 Windstress**2 in grid-x direction dyne^2/centimeter^4 mean
ocn mon pop.h TAUX Windstress in grid-x direction dyne/centimeter^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h TAUY2 Windstress**2 in grid-y direction dyne^2/centimeter^4 mean
ocn mon pop.h TAUY Windstress in grid-y direction dyne/centimeter^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h TEMP Potential Temperature degC mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_ALK Alkalinity Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m meq/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_DIC_ALT_CO2 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Alternative CO2 Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_DIC Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_Fe Dissolved Inorganic Iron Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_NH4 Dissolved Ammonia Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_NO3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_O2 Dissolved Oxygen Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_PO4 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h tend_zint_100m_SiO3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate Tendency Vertical Integral 0-100m mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h TFW_S S flux due to freshwater flux (kg of salt/m^2/s) kg/m^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h TFW_T T flux due to freshwater flux watt/m^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h TLT Transition Layer Thickness cm mean
ocn mon pop.h TPOWER Energy Used by Vertical Mixing erg/s/cm^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h UE_CFC11 CFC11 Flux in grid-x direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h UE_CFC12 CFC12 Flux in grid-x direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h UE_IAGE IAGE Flux in grid-x direction years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h UES Salt Flux in grid-x direction gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h UET Flux of Heat in grid-x direction degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h UISOP Bolus Velocity in grid-x direction (diagnostic) cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h USUBM Submeso velocity in grid-x direction (diagnostic) cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h UVEL2 Velocity**2 in grid-x direction centimeter^2/s^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h UVEL Velocity in grid-x direction centimeter/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VDC_S total diabatic vertical SALT diffusivity cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VDC_T total diabatic vertical TEMP diffusivity cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VISOP Bolus Velocity in grid-y direction (diagnostic) cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VN_CFC11 CFC11 Flux in grid-y direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VN_CFC12 CFC12 Flux in grid-y direction fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VN_IAGE IAGE Flux in grid-y direction years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VNS_ISOP Salt Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to Eddy-Induced Vel (diagnostic) gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VNS Salt Flux in grid-y direction gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VNS_SUBM Salt Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to submeso Vel (diagnostic) gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VNT Flux of Heat in grid-y direction degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VNT_ISOP Heat Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to Eddy-Induced Vel (diagnostic) degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VNT_SUBM Heat Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to submeso Vel (diagnostic) degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VSUBM Submeso velocity in grid-y direction (diagnostic) cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VVC total vertical momentum viscosity cm^2/s mean
ocn mon pop.h VVEL2 Velocity**2 in grid-y direction centimeter^2/s^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h VVEL Velocity in grid-y direction centimeter/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WISOP Vertical Bolus Velocity (diagnostic) cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WSUBM Vertical submeso velocity (diagnostic) cm/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WT_CFC11 CFC11 Flux Across Top Face fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WT_CFC12 CFC12 Flux Across Top Face fmol/cm^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WT_IAGE IAGE Flux Across Top Face years/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WTS Salt Flux Across Top Face gram/kilogram/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WTT Heat Flux Across Top Face degC/s mean
ocn mon pop.h WVEL2 Vertical Velocity**2 centimeter^2/s^2 mean
ocn mon pop.h WVEL Vertical Velocity centimeter/s mean
ocn mon pop.h zooC Zooplankton Carbon mmol/m^3 mean
ocn mon pop.h zoo_loss Zooplankton Loss mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn mon pop.h zsatarag Aragonite Saturation Depth cm mean
ocn mon pop.h zsatcalc Calcite Saturation Depth cm mean
ocn mon pop.h dTEMP_NEG_2D min neg column temperature timestep diff degC minimum
ocn mon pop.h TBLT Minimum Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter minimum
ocn mon pop.h TMXL Minimum Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter minimum
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 CaCO3_form_zint CaCO3 Formation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 diatChl_SURF Diatom Chlorophyll Surface Value mg/m^3 mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 diatC_zint_100m Diatom Carbon 0-100m Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 diazChl_SURF Diazotroph Chlorophyll Surface Value mg/m^3 mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 diazC_zint_100m Diazotroph Carbon 0-100m Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 DpCO2_2 D pCO2 ppmv mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 ECOSYS_IFRAC_2 Ice Fraction for ecosys fluxes fraction mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 ECOSYS_XKW_2 XKW for ecosys fluxes cm/s mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 FG_CO2_2 DIC Surface Gas Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 photoC_diat_zint Diatom C Fixation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 photoC_diaz_zint Diaz C Fixation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 photoC_sp_zint Small Phyto C Fixation Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 spCaCO3_zint_100m Small Phytoplankton CaCO3 0-100m Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 spChl_SURF Small phytoplankton Chlorophyll Surface Value mg/m^3 mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 spC_zint_100m Small Phytoplankton Carbon 0-100m Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 STF_O2_2 Dissolved Oxygen Surface Flux mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn day pop.h.ecosys.nday1 zooC_zint_100m Zooplankton Carbon 0-100m Vertical Integral mmol/m^3 cm mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 DIA_IMPVF_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 DIA_IMPVF_DIC DIC Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 DIA_IMPVF_DOC DOC Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 DIA_IMPVF_Fe Fe Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 DIA_IMPVF_O2 O2 Flux Across Bottom Face from Diabatic Implicit Vertical Mixing mmol/m^3 cm/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFB_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFB_DIC DIC Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFB_DOC DOC Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFB_Fe Fe Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFB_O2 O2 Horizontal Diffusive Flux across Bottom Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFE_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFE_DIC DIC Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFE_DOC DOC Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFE_Fe Fe Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFE_O2 O2 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFN_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFN_DIC DIC Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFN_DOC DOC Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFN_Fe Fe Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 HDIFN_O2 O2 Horizontal Diffusive Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 J_ALK Alkalinity Source Sink Term meq/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 J_Fe Dissolved Inorganic Iron Source Sink Term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 J_NH4 Dissolved Ammonia Source Sink Term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 J_NO3 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrate Source Sink Term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 J_PO4 Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate Source Sink Term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 J_SiO3 Dissolved Inorganic Silicate Source Sink Term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 KPP_SRC_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 tendency from KPP non local mixing term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 KPP_SRC_DIC DIC tendency from KPP non local mixing term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 KPP_SRC_Fe Fe tendency from KPP non local mixing term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 KPP_SRC_O2 O2 tendency from KPP non local mixing term mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 UE_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 UE_DIC DIC Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 UE_DOC DOC Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 UE_Fe Fe Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 UE_O2 O2 Flux in grid-x direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 VN_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 VN_DIC DIC Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 VN_DOC DOC Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 VN_Fe Fe Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 VN_O2 O2 Flux in grid-y direction mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 WT_DIC_ALT_CO2 DIC_ALT_CO2 Flux Across Top Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 WT_DIC DIC Flux Across Top Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 WT_DOC DOC Flux Across Top Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 WT_Fe Fe Flux Across Top Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn ann pop.h.ecosys.nyear1 WT_O2 O2 Flux Across Top Face mmol/m^3/s mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 XBLT_2 Maximum Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter maximum
ocn day pop.h.nday1 XMXL_2 Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter maximum
ocn day pop.h.nday1 HMXL_2 Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 SSH_2 Sea Surface Height centimeter mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 SST2 Surface Potential Temperature**2 degC mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 SST Surface Potential Temperature degC mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 TAUX_2 Windstress in grid-x direction dyne/centimeter^2 mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 TAUY_2 Windstress in grid-y direction dyne/centimeter^2 mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 WVEL_50m Vertical Velocity at 50m Depth centimeter/s mean
ocn day pop.h.nday1 HBLT_2 Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter mean
Component Time Frequency Stream Field Name Long Name Units Time Averaging
lnd mon clm2.h0 ACTUAL_IMMOB actual N immobilization gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 AGNPP aboveground NPP gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ANN_FAREA_BURNED annual total fractional area burned proportion mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 AR autotrophic respiration (MR + GR) gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 BCDEP total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 BGNPP belowground NPP gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 BTRAN transpiration beta factor unitless mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 BUILDHEAT heat flux from urban building interior to walls and roof W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 COL_CTRUNC column-level sink for C truncation gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 COL_FIRE_CLOSS total column-level fire C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 COL_FIRE_NLOSS total column-level fire N loss gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 COL_NTRUNC column-level sink for N truncation gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 CPOOL temporary photosynthate C pool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 CWDC coarse woody debris C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 CWDC_HR coarse woody debris C heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 CWDC_LOSS coarse woody debris C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 CWDN coarse woody debris N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DEADCROOTC dead coarse root C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DEADCROOTN dead coarse root N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DEADSTEMC dead stem C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DEADSTEMN dead stem N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DENIT total rate of denitrification gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DISPVEGC displayed veg carbon excluding storage and cpool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DISPVEGN displayed vegetation nitrogen gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DSTDEP total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DSTFLXT total surface dust emission kg/m2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_CLOSS total carbon loss from land cover conversion gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_CONV_CFLUX conversion C flux (immediate loss to atm) gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_CONV_NFLUX conversion N flux (immediate loss to atm) gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_NLOSS total nitrogen loss from landcover conversion gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_PROD100C_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 100-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_PROD100N_GAIN addition to 100-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_PROD10C_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 10-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_PROD10N_GAIN addition to 10-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_SEEDC_TO_DEADSTEM seed source to PFT-level deadstem gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_SEEDC_TO_LEAF seed source to PFT-level leaf gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_SEEDN_TO_DEADSTEM seed source to PFT-level deadstem gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 DWT_SEEDN_TO_LEAF seed source to PFT-level leaf gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 EFLX_DYNBAL dynamic land cover change conversion energy flux W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 EFLX_LH_TOT_R Rural total evaporation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 EFLX_LH_TOT_U Urban total evaporation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ELAI exposed one-sided leaf area index m^2/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ERRH2OSNO imbalance in snow depth (liquid water) mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ERRH2O total water conservation error mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ERRSEB surface energy conservation error W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ERRSOI soil/lake energy conservation error W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ERRSOL solar radiation conservation error W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ER total ecosystem respiration autotrophic + heterotrophic gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ESAI exposed one-sided stem area index m^2/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FCEV canopy evaporation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FCOV fractional impermeable area unitless mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FCTR canopy transpiration W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FGEV ground evaporation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FGR12 heat flux between soil layers 1 and 2 W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FGR heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FGR_R Rural heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FGR_U Urban heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FIRA net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FIRA_R Rural net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FIRA_U Urban net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FIRE emitted infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FIRESEASONL annual fire season length days mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FLDS atmospheric longwave radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FPG fraction of potential gpp proportion mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FPI fraction of potential immobilization proportion mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FPSN photosynthesis umol/m2s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FROOTC_ALLOC fine root C allocation gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FROOTC fine root C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FROOTC_LOSS fine root C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FROOTN fine root N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSA absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSA_R Rural absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSAT fractional area with water table at surface unitless mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSA_U Urban absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSDS atmospheric incident solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSDSND direct nir incident solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSDSNDLN direct nir incident solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSDSNI diffuse nir incident solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSDSVD direct vis incident solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSDSVDLN direct vis incident solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSDSVI diffuse vis incident solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSH_G sensible heat from ground W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSH_NODYNLNDUSE sensible heat not including correction for land use change W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSH_R Rural sensible heat W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSH sensible heat W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSH_U Urban sensible heat W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSH_V sensible heat from veg W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSM_R Rural snow melt heat flux W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSM snow melt heat flux W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSM_U Urban snow melt heat flux W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSNO fraction of ground covered by snow unitless mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSRND direct nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSRNDLN direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSRNI diffuse nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSR reflected solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSRVD direct vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSRVDLN direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 FSRVI diffuse vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 GC_HEAT1 initial gridcell total heat content J/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 GC_ICE1 initial gridcell total ice content mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 GC_LIQ1 initial gridcell total liq content mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 GPP gross primary production gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 GROSS_NMIN gross rate of N mineralization gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 GR total growth respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 H2OCAN intercepted water mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 H2OSNO snow depth (liquid water) mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 H2OSNO_TOP mass of snow in top snow layer kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 H2OSOI volumetric soil water (vegetated landunits only) mm3/mm3 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 HC heat content of soil/snow/lake MJ/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 HCSOI soil heat content MJ/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 HEAT_FROM_AC sensible heat flux put into canyon due to heat removed from air conditioning W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 HR total heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 HTOP canopy top m mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LAISHA shaded projected leaf area index none mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LAISUN sunlit projected leaf area index none mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LAND_UPTAKE NEE minus LAND_USE_FLUX negative for update gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LAND_USE_FLUX total C emitted from land cover conversion and wood product pools gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LEAFC_ALLOC leaf C allocation gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LEAFC leaf C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LEAFC_LOSS leaf C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LEAFN leaf N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITFALL litterfall (leaves and fine roots) gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITHR litter heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR1C litter labile C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR1C_TO_SOIL1C decomp. of litter 1 C to SOM 1 C gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR1N litter labile N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR2C litter cellulose C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR2C_TO_SOIL2C decomp. of litter 2 C to SOM 2 C gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR2N litter cellulose N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR3C litter lignin C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR3C_TO_SOIL3C decomp. of litter 3 C to SOM 3 C gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITR3N litter lignin N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITTERC_HR litter C heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITTERC litter C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LITTERC_LOSS litter C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LIVECROOTC live coarse root C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LIVECROOTN live coarse root N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LIVESTEMC live stem C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 LIVESTEMN live stem N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 MEAN_FIRE_PROB e-foldingmean of daily fire probability 0-1 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 MR maintenance respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NBP net biome production includes fire landuse and harvest flux positive for sink gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NDEPLOY total N deployed in new growth gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NDEP_TO_SMINN atmospheric N deposition to soil mineral N gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NEE net ecosystem exchange of carbon includes fire landuse harvest and hrv_xsmrpool flux positive for source gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NEP net ecosystem production excludes fire landuse and harvest flux positive for sink gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NET_NMIN net rate of N mineralization gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NFIX_TO_SMINN symbiotic/asymbiotic N fixation to soil mineral N gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 NPP net primary production gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 OCDEP total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PBOT atmospheric pressure Pa mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PCO2 atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 Pa mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PFT_CTRUNC pft-level sink for C truncation gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PFT_FIRE_CLOSS total pft-level fire C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PFT_FIRE_NLOSS total pft-level fire N loss gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PFT_NTRUNC pft-level sink for N truncation gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PLANT_NDEMAND N flux required to support initial GPP gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 POTENTIAL_IMMOB potential N immobilization gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD100C 100-yr wood product C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD100C_LOSS loss from 100-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD100N 100-yr wood product N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD100N_LOSS loss from 100-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD10C 10-yr wood product C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD10C_LOSS loss from 10-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD10N 10-yr wood product N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PROD10N_LOSS loss from 10-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PRODUCT_CLOSS total carbon loss from wood product pools gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PRODUCT_NLOSS total N loss from wood product pools gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PSNSHADE_TO_CPOOL C fixation from shaded canopy gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PSNSHA shaded leaf photosynthesis umolCO2/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PSNSUN sunlit leaf photosynthesis umolCO2/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 PSNSUN_TO_CPOOL C fixation from sunlit canopy gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 Q2M 2m specific humidity kg/kg mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QBOT atmospheric specific humidity kg/kg mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QCHARGE aquifer recharge rate (vegetated landunits only) mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QDRAI sub-surface drainage mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QDRIP throughfall mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QFLX_ICE_DYNBAL ice dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QFLX_LIQ_DYNBAL liq dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QINFL infiltration mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QINTR interception mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QIRRIG water added through irrigation mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QOVER surface runoff mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QRGWL surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only) wetlands lakes mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QRUNOFF_NODYNLNDUSE total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) not including correction for land use change mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QRUNOFF_R Rural total runoff mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QRUNOFF total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QRUNOFF_U Urban total runoff mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QSNOMELT snow melt mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QSNWCPICE excess snowfall due to snow capping mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QSNWCPICE_NODYNLNDUSE excess snowfall due to snow capping not including correction for land use change mm H2O/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QSOIL Ground evaporation (soil/snow evaporation + soil/snow sublimation - dew) mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QVEGE canopy evaporation mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 QVEGT canopy transpiration mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 RAIN atmospheric rain mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 RETRANSN plant pool of retranslocated N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 RETRANSN_TO_NPOOL deployment of retranslocated N gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 RH2M 2m relative humidity % mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 RH2M_R Rural 2m specific humidity % mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 RH2M_U Urban 2m relative humidity % mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 RR root respiration (fine root MR + total root GR) gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SABG solar rad absorbed by ground W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SABV solar rad absorbed by veg W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SEEDC pool for seeding new PFTs gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SEEDN pool for seeding new PFTs gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SMINN_LEACHED soil mineral N pool loss to leaching gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SMINN soil mineral N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SMINN_TO_NPOOL deployment of soil mineral N uptake gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SMINN_TO_PLANT plant uptake of soil mineral N gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOBCMCL mass of BC in snow column kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOBCMSL mass of BC in top snow layer kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNODSTMCL mass of dust in snow column kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNODSTMSL mass of dust in top snow layer kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOOCMCL mass of OC in snow column kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOOCMSL mass of OC in top snow layer kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOW atmospheric snow mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOWDP snow height m mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOWICE snow ice kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOWLIQ snow liquid water kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOW_SINKS snow sinks (liquid water) mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SNOW_SOURCES snow sources (liquid water) mm/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL1C soil organic matter C (fast pool) gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL1N soil organic matter N (fast pool) gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL2C soil organic matter C (medium pool) gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL2N soil organic matter N (medium pool) gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL3C soil organic matter C (slow pool) gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL3N soil orgainc matter N (slow pool) gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL4C soil organic matter C (slowest pool) gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOIL4N soil orgainc matter N (slowest pool) gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SoilAlpha factor limiting ground evap unitless mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SoilAlpha_U urban factor limiting ground evap unitless mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOILC_HR soil C heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOILC_LOSS soil C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOILC soil C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOILICE soil ice (vegetated landunits only) kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOILLIQ soil liquid water (vegetated landunits only) kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOILPSI soil water potential in each soil layer MPa mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOILWATER_10CM soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil (veg landunits only) kg/m2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SOMHR soil organic matter heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SR total soil respiration (HR + root resp) gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 STORVEGC stored vegetation carbon excluding cpool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 STORVEGN stored vegetation nitrogen gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 SUPPLEMENT_TO_SMINN supplemental N supply gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TAUX zonal surface stress kg/m/s^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TAUY meridional surface stress kg/m/s^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TBOT atmospheric air temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TBUILD internal urban building temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TG ground temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TG_R Rural ground temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TG_U Urban ground temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 THBOT atmospheric air potential temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TLAI total projected leaf area index none mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TLAKE lake temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTCOLC total column carbon incl veg and cpool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTCOLN total column-level N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTECOSYSC total ecosystem carbon incl veg but excl cpool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTECOSYSN total ecosystem N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTLITC total litter carbon gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTLITN total litter N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTPFTC total pft-level carbon including cpool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTPFTN total PFT-level nitrogen gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTPRODC total wood product C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTPRODN total wood product N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTSOMC total soil organic matter carbon gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTSOMN total soil organic matter N gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTVEGC total vegetation carbon excluding cpool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TOTVEGN total vegetation nitrogen gN/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TREFMNAV daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TREFMNAV_R Rural daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TREFMNAV_U Urban daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TREFMXAV daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TREFMXAV_R Rural daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TREFMXAV_U Urban daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TSA 2m air temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TSAI total projected stem area index none mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TSA_R Rural 2m air temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TSA_U Urban 2m air temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TSOI_10CM soil temperature in top 10cm of soil K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TSOI_ICE soil temperature (ice landunits only) K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TSOI soil temperature (vegetated landunits only) K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 TV vegetation temperature K mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 U10 10-m wind m/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 URBAN_AC urban air conditioning flux W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 URBAN_HEAT urban heating flux W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WASTEHEAT sensible heat flux from heating/cooling sources of urban waste heat W/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WA water in the unconfined aquifer (vegetated landunits only) mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WIND atmospheric wind velocity magnitude m/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WOODC_ALLOC wood C allocation gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WOODC_LOSS wood C loss gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WOODC wood C gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WOOD_HARVESTC wood harvest carbon (to product pools) gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WOOD_HARVESTN wood harvest N (to product pools) gN/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 WT total water storage (unsaturated soil water + groundwater veg landunits) mm mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 XSMRPOOL_RECOVER C flux assigned to recovery of negative xsmrpool gC/m^2/s mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 XSMRPOOL temporary photosynthate C pool gC/m^2 mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ZBOT atmospheric reference height m mean
lnd mon clm2.h0 ZWT water table depth (vegetated landunits only) m mean
lnd day clm2.h1 FSNO fraction of ground covered by snow unitless mean
lnd day clm2.h1 H2OSNO snow depth (liquid water) mm mean
lnd day clm2.h1 QRUNOFF total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) mm/s mean
lnd day clm2.h1 RAIN atmospheric rain mm/s mean
lnd day clm2.h1 SNOW atmospheric snow mm/s mean
lnd day clm2.h1 SOILWATER_10CM soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil (veg landunits only) kg/m2 mean
Component Time Frequency Stream Field Name Long Name Units Time Averaging
ice mon cice.h aeroiceint001 ice int aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aeroiceint002 ice int aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aeroiceint003 ice int aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aeroicessl001 ice ssl aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aeroicessl002 ice ssl aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aeroicessl003 ice ssl aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aerosnoint001 snow int aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aerosnoint002 snow int aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aerosnoint003 snow int aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aerosnossl001 snow ssl aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aerosnossl002 snow ssl aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aerosnossl003 snow ssl aerosol mass kg/kg mean
ice mon cice.h aice ice area (aggregate) % mean
ice mon cice.h aicen001 ice area category 001 % mean
ice mon cice.h aicen002 ice area category 002 % mean
ice mon cice.h aicen003 ice area category 003 % mean
ice mon cice.h aicen004 ice area category 004 % mean
ice mon cice.h aicen005 ice area category 005 % mean
ice mon cice.h aisnap ice area snapshot   mean
ice mon cice.h albice bare ice albedo % mean
ice mon cice.h albpnd melt pond albedo % mean
ice mon cice.h albsno snow albedo % mean
ice mon cice.h alidf near IR diffuse albedo % mean
ice mon cice.h alidr near IR direct albedo % mean
ice mon cice.h alvdf visible diffuse albedo % mean
ice mon cice.h alvdr visible direct albedo % mean
ice mon cice.h apond001 melt pond concentration category 001 % mean
ice mon cice.h apond002 melt pond concentration category 002 % mean
ice mon cice.h apond003 melt pond concentration category 003 % mean
ice mon cice.h apond004 melt pond concentration category 004 % mean
ice mon cice.h apond005 melt pond concentration category 005 % mean
ice mon cice.h congel congelation ice growth cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h coszen cosine of the zenith angle radian mean
ice mon cice.h daidtd area tendency dynamics %/day mean
ice mon cice.h daidtt area tendency thermo %/day mean
ice mon cice.h dardg1dt ice area ridging rate %/day mean
ice mon cice.h dardg2dt ridge area formation rate %/day mean
ice mon cice.h divu strain rate (divergence) %/day mean
ice mon cice.h dvidtd volume tendency dynamics cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h dvidtt volume tendency thermo cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h dvirdgdt ice volume ridging rate cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h evap_ai evaporative water flux cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h evap evaporative water flux (cpl) cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h faero_atm001 aerosol deposition rate kg/m^2 s mean
ice mon cice.h faero_atm002 aerosol deposition rate kg/m^2 s mean
ice mon cice.h faero_atm003 aerosol deposition rate kg/m^2 s mean
ice mon cice.h faero_ocn001 aerosol flux to ocean kg/m^2 s mean
ice mon cice.h faero_ocn002 aerosol flux to ocean kg/m^2 s mean
ice mon cice.h faero_ocn003 aerosol flux to ocean kg/m^2 s mean
ice mon cice.h fcondtop_ai top surface conductive heat flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fhocn_ai heat flux ice to ocean W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fhocn heat flux ice to ocn (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h flat_ai latent heat flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h flat latent heat flux (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h flwdn down longwave flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h flwup_ai upward longwave flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h flwup upward longwave flux (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h frazil frazil ice growth cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h fresh_ai freshwtr flx ice to ocn cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h fresh freshwtr flx ice to ocn (cpl) cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h fsalt_ai salt flux ice to ocean kg/m^2/day mean
ice mon cice.h fsalt salt flux ice to ocn (cpl) kg/m^2/day mean
ice mon cice.h fsens_ai sensible heat flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fsens sensible heat flux (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fs grid cellmean snow fraction   mean
ice mon cice.h fsurf_ai net surface heat flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fswabs_ai snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fswabs snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fswdn down solar flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fswfac shortwave scaling factor 1 mean
ice mon cice.h fswthru_ai SW flux thru ice to ocean W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fswthru SW thru ice to ocean (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h fswup upward solar flux W/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h FYarea first-year ice area   mean
ice mon cice.h hi grid cellmean ice thickness m mean
ice mon cice.h hisnap ice volume snapshot m mean
ice mon cice.h hs grid cellmean snow thickness m mean
ice mon cice.h iage sea ice age years mean
ice mon cice.h ice_present fraction of time-avg interval that any ice is present 1 mean
ice mon cice.h meltb basal ice melt cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h meltl lateral ice melt cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h melts snow melt cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h meltt top ice melt cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h opening lead area opening rate %/day mean
ice mon cice.h qi internal ice heat content J mean
ice mon cice.h Qref 2m reference specific humidity g/kg mean
ice mon cice.h qs internal snow heat content J mean
ice mon cice.h rain_ai rainfall rate cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h rain rainfall rate (cpl) cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h shear strain rate (shear) %/day mean
ice mon cice.h sig1 norm. principal stress 1   mean
ice mon cice.h sig2 norm. principal stress 2   mean
ice mon cice.h snoice snow-ice formation cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h snow_ai snowfall rate cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h snow snowfall rate (cpl) cm/day mean
ice mon cice.h strairx atm/ice stress (x) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h strairy atm/ice stress (y) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h strcorx coriolis stress (x) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h strcory coriolis stress (y) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h strength compressive ice strength N/m mean
ice mon cice.h strintx internal ice stress (x) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h strinty internal ice stress (y) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h strocnx ocean/ice stress (x) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h strocny ocean/ice stress (y) N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h Tair air temperature C mean
ice mon cice.h transix ice mass transport (x) on East side kg/s mean
ice mon cice.h transiy ice mass transport (y) on North side kg/s mean
ice mon cice.h Tref 2m reference temperature C mean
ice mon cice.h trsig internal stress tensor trace N/m^2 mean
ice mon cice.h Tsfc snow/ice surface temperature degC mean
ice mon cice.h uvel ice velocity (x) cm/s mean
ice mon cice.h vicen001 ice volume category 001 m mean
ice mon cice.h vicen002 ice volume category 002 m mean
ice mon cice.h vicen003 ice volume category 003 m mean
ice mon cice.h vicen004 ice volume category 004 m mean
ice mon cice.h vicen005 ice volume category 005 m mean
ice mon cice.h vvel ice velocity (y) cm/s mean
ice day cice.h1 aice_d ice area (aggregate) % mean
ice day cice.h1 aisnap_d ice area snapshot   mean
ice day cice.h1 daidtd_d area tendency dynamics %/day mean
ice day cice.h1 daidtt_d area tendency thermo %/day mean
ice day cice.h1 dvidtd_d volume tendency dynamics cm/day mean
ice day cice.h1 dvidtt_d volume tendency thermo cm/day mean
ice day cice.h1 fswabs_d snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice day cice.h1 fswdn_d down solar flux W/m^2 mean
ice day cice.h1 FYarea_d first-year ice area   mean
ice day cice.h1 hi_d grid cellmean ice thickness m mean
ice day cice.h1 hisnap_d ice volume snapshot m mean
ice day cice.h1 hs_d grid cellmean snow thickness m mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h aicen001_h ice area category 001 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h aicen002_h ice area category 002 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h aicen003_h ice area category 003 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h aicen004_h ice area category 004 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h aicen005_h ice area category 005 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h apond001_h melt pond concentration category 001 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h apond002_h melt pond concentration category 002 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h apond003_h melt pond concentration category 003 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h apond004_h melt pond concentration category 004 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h apond005_h melt pond concentration category 005 % mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h fswthru_h SW thru ice to ocean (cpl) W/m^2 mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h meltb_h basal ice melt cm/day mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h meltt_h top ice melt cm/day mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h strairx_h atm/ice stress (x) N/m^2 mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h strairy_h atm/ice stress (y) N/m^2 mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h strintx_h internal ice stress (x) N/m^2 mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h strinty_h internal ice stress (y) N/m^2 mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h strocnx_h ocean/ice stress (x) N/m^2 mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h strocny_h ocean/ice stress (y) N/m^2 mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h uvel_h ice velocity (x) cm/s mean
ice hr6 cice.h2_06h vvel_h ice velocity (y) cm/s mean
Component Time Frequency Stream Field Name Long Name Units Time Averaging
rof mon rtm.h0 QCHANR_ICE RTM river flow: ICE m3/s mean
rof mon rtm.h0 QCHANR RTM river flow: LIQ m3/s mean
rof mon rtm.h0 QCHOCNR_ICE RTM river discharge into ocean: ICE m3/s mean
rof mon rtm.h0 QCHOCNR RTM river discharge into ocean: LIQ m3/s mean
rof mon rtm.h0 VOLR RTM storage: LIQ m3 mean
rof day rtm.h1 QCHANR RTM river flow: LIQ m3/s mean
rof day rtm.h1 VOLR RTM storage: LIQ m3 mean