On-going Research Projects
- A mechanistic study of interannual to centennial-scale subsurface oxygen dynamics in the Pacific Ocean
- Analyzing changes and extremes in spring onset in comparison to the record breaking warmth of March 2012
- Arctic Air Masses in a Warming World
- Arctic Amplification and Possible Influence on Mid-latitude Climate and Weather
- Attribution of extreme events in India
- Blind Evaluation of Lossy Data-Compression in LENS
- Blocking statistics and variability
- Changes in tropical cyclone activity
- Changing Polar Bear Sea Ice Habitats
- Circumglobal waveguide patterns and extremes
- Clustering of Sea Surface Temperature Variability Across the Large Ensemble
- Contrasting urban and rural heatwaves over the U.S.
- Driving mechanisms for oceanic heat content change in the longterm mean and during hiatus decades and the connection between ocean basins
- Drought/soil-carbon characteristics and evolution
- Dynamic downscaling experiments using RASM
- Estimating the uncertainty of large-scale atmospheric dynamics
- Evolution of aridity in the 21st Century
- Examining changes in the frequency of landfalling atmospheric rivers and extreme precipitation over western North America
- Examining forced historical changes in East Asian monsoon rainfall
- Exploring Climate Change and Variability in the Water and Energy Cycles using the CESM Large Ensemble
- Exploring the availability of Arctic shipping routes
- Forced and Unforced Variability of droughts in monsoon regions
- Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance
- Impacts of Climate Changes on the Future Groundwater Storage in the High Plains Aquifer
- Interactions of Colossal Volcanic Eruptions and ENSO
- Internal variability and forced trends in multiple ecosystem stressors
- Investigating fluctuations of the tropical intraseasonal oscillation
- Investigating MJO variability in the LENS by running the Clivar-MJO diagnostic package
- Investigating the atmospheric response to AMOC variability
- Investigating the internal variability and potential climate change related to atmospheric flow regimes in Northern Europe
- Investigating the role of internal variability on Pacific Walker Circulation trends
- Investigating what governs AMOC trends
- Land-atmosphere coupling metrics
- Long-term internal variability of the Asian monsoon
- Long-term link between African and South Asian monsoons
- Magnitude, robustness and spatio-temporal structure of changes in temperature and precipitation extremes
- Narrowing uncertainties in precipitation and the hydrological cycle in climate models
- North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO) Index in the CESM Large Ensemble
- Poleward energy transport and leading modes of climate variability
- Quantifying Predictability Limits, Uncertainties, Mechanisms, and Regional Impacts of Pacific Decadal Climate Variability
- Quantifying regional projection uncertainty of impact-relevant climate change
- Robustness of the SAM response to GHG and ozone forcing
- Role of internal variability in Pacific sea-level trends
- Snow water availability in the 21st Century
- Southern Ocean Sea Ice and Climate
- Surface ocean pCO2 and air-sea CO2 flux variability
- The influence of dynamics and emissions changes on China’s wintertime haze
- The role of forcing in driving the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
- Tropical teleconnections to the Arctic
- Understanding the mechanisms responsible for the SAM response to ozone depletion
- Using first year ice tracer in CICE to analyze Arctic sea ice decline